A marketing plan is a strategic roadmap that companies use to organize, execute and monitor their marketing strategies over a period of time . There may be different strategies implemented by different marketing teams within general marketing . All these strategies should be driven towards the same business objectives . The marketing plan also occupies a very important place in the scope of operating costs.


The marketing plan can take the form of different and specialized examples, depending on the industry the business is in and the need:

  • Quarterly or Annual Marketing Plans:

    A quarterly or annual marketing plan highlights the strategies or campaigns you will undertake over a period of time.

  • Export Marketing Plan:

    It is tailored to the needs of the country and region for international marketsIt includes a structure that systematically anticipates, sets targets and monitors necessary marketing activities.

  • Digital Marketing Plan:

    It is a plan that includes the activities, tactics and campaigns planned to be carried out especially in digital and social media. Particularly popularizing this concept  is Philip Kotler 's book “Marketing 4.0 Transitioning from Traditional to Digital” . With this book, the concept of digital marketing plan and marketing 4.0 has attracted the attention of large masses.

Entrepreneurship Marketing Plan:

It is a plan that includes different strategies that a startup or startup will use to promote its product. It also highlights the tactics and campaigns this initiative will use. In certain circumstances, it may also be created to be presented to the investor. 


As Albert Solino, we recommend that you follow a 5- step path when creating a marketing plan . These steps are respectively;

  1. Situation Analysis
  2. Setting Goals
  3. Determining the Marketing Strategy
  4. Determining Tactics in Line with Strategy
  5. Marketing Budget Control and Determination of Tactics

1. Situation Analysis

Preparing a marketing plan allows you to see your company's location more clearly. It helps you to evaluate the position of the product or service you sell well against the competitors. It protects you against future risks and unexpected opponent moves.

According to previous year sales, related income, expense and profit data should be calculated. In addition, strengths and weaknesses should be identified and sales turnover for the next year should be estimated. In addition, the situation of the market and competitors should be examined, the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors and their marketing policies should be determined. In the light of these determinations, the problems and opportunities in the market should be determined.

2. Setting Goals

After analyzing the situation of the company, it is necessary to set a realistic goal in the current situation. At this point, it is extremely important to be humble and consistent. Once you set your goals correctly, it will be just as easy for you to achieve success. Thanks to due diligence, targets are clearly determined. These goals should be realistic and measurable. Strategies are determined to achieve the goals.

3. Determination of Marketing Strategies

A detailed assessment of the extent to which the determined targets can be achieved is made at the strategy stage. This phase includes setting and re-evaluating targets. If there are no shortcomings, it is determined whether you will make your strategy based on your own strengths or on the weaknesses of the opponent. It is necessary to create the Marketing Strategies through the elements of the Marketing Mix . At this point, it would make sense to create a separate strategy and sub-strategy for each element over the 4P or 7P.

Marketing strategies of a business are made by considering the resources of the business. At this stage, it is unthinkable to create a marketing plan independent of the company's strategic plan.  The marketing strategy should be translated into a specific implementation program that will achieve the marketing objectives.

4. Determining Tactics in Line with Strategy

At this stage, it is determined which channels will be focused on the strategy determined. For example, issues such as which of the advertising options to use are determined through printed media such as social media and television. It is necessary to know the target audience well and determine a way accordingly.

5. Marketing Budget Evaluation and Control of Strategies

Evaluating the budget is a highly specialized job because it cannot be accomplished by comparing figures alone. While making the valuation, you also need to numerically calculate the risk factor, which is an invisible and abstract concept.

The audit phase, on the other hand, refers to the continuous control of the marketing strategy and obtaining information about the progress after it is operational.

Marketing consultancy service starts with creating an effective marketing management and preparing marketing strategies and plans. In addition to the short-term (annual) marketing plan, medium-term (2-3 years) and long-term (3 - 5 years) marketing plans can be made.


The short-term marketing plan is prepared annually; are shaped according to annual sales and profitability targets. These goals determine what activities will be done on a quarterly and annual basis.

The medium term marketing plan is; It can be done for 2-5 years in line with the company's goals. Even if a long-term plan has been made, annual detailed plans should be made and long-term plans should be constantly revised.

Planning should be done according to the answers to the following 3 questions. These;

  • Where are we?
  • Where do we want to go?
  • How can we get there?

Within the scope of this plan, strategic market analysis is made. With data from market, competitor, customer and environmental analysis, a strategic model is created to determine business development and targeted business volume. Although these plans are in writing, constant changes should be made taking into account the current economic conditions, the state of the market, the situation of competitors and the conditions within the business. Therefore, marketing plans are not static but variable. As Albert Solino, we provide marketing consultancy services within the scope of management consultancy  .