What will the Instagram algorithm be like in 2023? We are talking about an application that leaves question marks in the minds of many users and is constantly renewing itself. Instagram. It is an indispensable application used by everyone from 7 to 70. It makes us smile from time to time, bothers us with its problems from time to time, and recently saddens us with advertising and account closure problems.

So how will the Instagram algorithm work  in 2023 ? In our article, we will be explaining many different content about the Instagram discover algorithm and what we should do to improve our account.

Instagram Algorithm 2023

What will be the difference of the Instagram algorithm, which comes before us with its changes and updates every year, from 2022  this year ? What will the Instagram algorithm  bring us in 2023What and how do you need to do it? Prepare to clear all the question marks in your mind.

What is the Instagram algorithm? 

The Instagram algorithm presents the content created for users' shares, behaviors, interactions and interests to users who may be interested in these contents. Therefore, growing your accounts organically is very important to the Instagram algorithm.

As we know , Instagram can punish users who do not comply with its algorithm by restricting their interaction, visibility and many different current statuses So is he right to do this? Of course. Is there a problem when users follow the rules to be followed and manage their accounts without any problems? Not really :). Instagram already rewards users who follow its algorithm and don't try to increase engagement in any way .

How does it reward?

We can give the simplest example from your current homepage feed. Currently, you see the content of users you do not know or follow on your homepage, right? Well, have you ever thought about why these content or users appear to you?

This is what we call rewarding. Of course, it will make the user as visible as possible, who does not make any attempts to disrupt the Instagram algorithm and make him angry. And without the obligation to advertise :)..

Today, users who provide product/service/information/announcement or content sharing on many different topics advertise via Instagram. And the number of users who advertise is really high in Turkey.

However, if you act in accordance with the algorithm, you will not have a problem with ads, and the content that you do not enter ads will appear in front of users in every way. So how is it coming out? If you have noticed, the Instagram accounts that appear on your home page are generally determined by the algorithm for your focus of attention.

For example, if you are interested in e-commerce and focus on e-commerce content, it is very natural to see users you do not follow in your homepage stream due to the Instagram algorithm.

What Should You Pay Attention To For The Instagram Algorithm To Increase Our Engagement?

Let's think that Instagram is a train , we need to create a very solid main structure so that this train does not go off the rails, we need to stay away from all kinds of factors that will reduce the interaction of our account .

Do not buy bot followers

The Instagram algorithm stands out as the main factor that triggers our interactions in 2023, as it did in 2022. Hitting a bot on your account will not earn you anything. It may sound good to give your page a look with a lot of followers, but there are many factors that trigger this situation and end your page from the inside .

The harms of getting bot followers and bot likes;

  • Your post engagement will be low because followers are not active. Follower and engagement inconsistency erodes your page vision and reduces people's trust in your page.
  • Your posts will start to appear less in front of users. Pressing bot followers on your Instagram page has very negative factors that reduce visibility and reduce page interactions.
  • This journey, from your story views to your posts, to your reels, my interaction with you has dropped, what should I do? It confronts him with his question.
  • As your interaction decreases, so your conversions will decrease and page development will be negatively affected.
  • Conversion ads will be harder to deliver. Being able to advertise to users who interact with your page is among the most important advertising strategies that increase conversions (retargeting, remarketing). Advertisements given to users who like, save, briefly interact with your posts are wasted. Since the interacting accounts will be bot users, the audience you advertise will also consist of bots and empty accounts.

When organizing sweepstakes, pay attention to target audience and product selection

Is it harmful to draw? Of course it is harmful if systematized incorrectly. For example, you have a store that sells baby clothes and you display them on social media platforms. If your followers are original, you will naturally have an audience of parents who have children.

It will be very important for the Instagram 2023 algorithm to grow a target audience for an audience that may be interested in your products, namely the service and product content provided .

Take care to have raffles and gift selections for the audience you serve/sell products to. Wouldn't it be absurd to be a store that sells baby clothes and give a gift book with a lottery? In addition to being absurd, the effect of this situation on the Instagram algorithm would also be highly debatable.

As we mentioned, you have a page selling baby products and you are giving away a lottery book. Well, have you ever thought about how this will contribute to you? Users who want to have a gift book participate in this lottery and interact with your page.

Oh, how beautiful it is, increase my interaction?

Unfortunately, this is quite wrong. Since users from every audience will participate in your lottery, this will not give you anything at the end of the draw. Because you need to have an active, potential target audience and turn to users who are interested in your products.

Well; If you're selling baby items, gift baby items. Therefore, the interactions that will come from here will come from users who need baby products and will expand your potential audience.

Create a quality, engaging and conceptual look by producing regular content

What comes to mind when you think of concept designWhen you enter the pages of quality content producers, you encounter a situation where the concept is created, color harmony and minimalisticism are exhibited.

So, What is the Importance of Creating Concepts for Instagram Algorithm?

What comes to mind first when you think of concept design? So, how is a concept design created? Paying attention to user experience is as important to an Instagram creator as it is to a website administrator. The Instagram algorithm pays a lot of attention to the time it takes users to navigate the page.

Let's shape your posts in this direction and think of a page that is suitable for the user experience, does not tire the eyes and creates color harmonies. As a result, users will pay attention to your content and the time spent on your page will gradually increase.

Use reels actively

Reelsler on Instagram can reach many different users quickly and without ads. Reels, which can bring a lot of interaction especially in unexpected situations, are very important for page development.

What should you do to increase your Instagram Reals views?

Sometimes we see that even the ridiculous content of newly opened pages can reach millions of views. Therefore, it would not be right to give this situation clearly, but according to our studies and investigations, there are very effective methods.

Use popular music

Popular music is one of the most important factors that quickly attract the attention of users and increase views. Make sure to use popular and good-sounding music to increase engagement in your rees.

Do not stay behind the trends, you also produce trendy content

Today, there are many different content that renews itself every day. These contents are quickly spread and shared by many different users. This situation manifests itself in the same way on Instagram as with the content that is on the agenda in Tiktok.

Even if it is not very professional, you can follow the trends and produce content and observe that your views are quite high.

We can give the simplest trend example from Turkey, dear, we are from Izmir :)..

Attracted by millions of users, this content has grown like an avalanche and has gained a lot of uncompetitive views.

This was just a small sample

If you are a business page, we cannot expect you to produce such content anyway. But we want you to know that this is not what we mean by trend. For example, there are many different reels in which various sweatshirt models are shared interchangeably with a popular song. This situation, while attracting the attention of users, can also allow you to increase your website visits and sales.

At the same time, reels content, which can have a positive effect on your follower increase, can spread your brand awareness to just as many different areas.

Try to get users' attention in the first 2 seconds of your reels video

It is very unlikely that reals, whose reach is close to zero at the beginning, suddenly reach thousands or millions after days. The high interactions and watch times right after you quickly attract the attention of users and share the video trigger this situation. The longer users watch your reels, the more likely that content will grow.

Keep the duration of your reels short

We mentioned that you need to attract the attention of users in the first 2 seconds.

So how long should reels video be?

The question of how many seconds should be Instagram reels confuses many users. The length of your reels has an almost direct impact on your engagement rates. Therefore, if you want to create an effective content, take care to keep the duration of your reelser in the range of 15-20 seconds .

Long reels times can bore users after a while, and the probability of them shifting to other different reels increases as well. Of course, none of us would want that to happen. In order for our reels to be watched to the end and our reels interactions to be high, you should pay attention to the 15-20 second interval.