Eskişehir OIZ Chairman of the Board of Directors Nadir Küpeli evaluated the latest unemployment figures and industrial production statistics and stated that industrialists in Eskişehir and all over the country have great difficulties in finding labor to work.

Kupeli: “We can't find workers to employ” 

EOSB President Nadir Küpeli, in his statement, said, "The tourism season has started, we are in a period when the number of employees in the agricultural sector is at its highest, our industry is constantly growing with new investments and this is demonstrated by numbers, and our number of unemployed people according to the announced statistics these days, when we have great difficulties in finding employees to employ. is increasing. We really have a hard time understanding this. As the industrial sector in Turkey, we are experiencing more and more difficulties in finding workers. Today, the factories in Eskişehir OSB need at least 1,500 new workers and qualified personnel. The sign “employees will be hired” has been hanging in front of almost every factory of ours for months. The construction of more than 200 new facilities in Eskişehir OSB continues. They always need new workforce. 

As industrialists, the main topic of every meeting is now, it creates workers we can't find to employ. Our industrialists are now looking to find a workforce. The labor shortage of our industry is growing very seriously day by day, we urgently need new labor force, this issue has started to become a very serious problem. We will increase production, we will put new shifts, but we cannot find people to work. On the one hand, unemployment figures are increasing, but we cannot find workers to employ. We have a huge unemployment problem in the industry. The issue is long past the issue of working with wages or minimum wage,” he said. We will increase production, we will put new shifts, but we cannot find people to work. On the one hand, unemployment figures are increasing, but we cannot find workers to employ. We have a huge unemployment problem in the industryThe issue is long past the issue of working with wages or minimum wage,” he said. We will increase production, we will put new shifts, but we cannot find people to work. On the one hand, unemployment figures are increasing, but we cannot find workers to employ. We have a huge unemployment problem in the industry. The issue is long past the issue of working with wages or minimum wage,” he said.

Kupeli: “Everyone should earn money by utilizing their skills and education”

EOSB Chairman of the Board of Directors Kupeli stated the following in his statements: “Many industrial establishments in Eskişehir pay their qualified, professional and skilled workers well above the minimum wage. As an industry, we are constantly making new investments. Think about it, we have to bring in labor from other cities by paying high prices for the installation of machinery in newer facilities. We came to this situation before the machines started working. The state should take urgent measures to direct these unemployed people to the job market in the industry, for example, additional extra days should be provided for the retirement of employees employed in the industry, and additional incentives should be applied to those working in the industry business line. In addition to this, an urgent regulation is needed in unemployment payments and social benefits.

Everyone who can work must be productive in business life. He should not survive on social aid. Everyone should earn money by producing in business life according to their skills and educationSocial assistance should be given to those who are truly unable to work and need it. As these aids and the base expand, people move away from being productive. If we can't find a solution to this together, investments will be made for more automation in the industry or foreign labor will be started to be employed inevitably. As Turkish industrialists, we want our own people to work in our facilities and consume what they earn with their own hard work. If we want to beat inflation, if we want to solve problems in the economy, we need more industrial facilities, more production and more workforce, there is no other way.” He should not survive on social aid. Everyone should earn money by producing in business life according to their skills and education. Social assistance should be given to those who are truly unable to work and need it. 

If we can't find a solution to this together, investments will be made for more automation in the industry or foreign labor will be started to be employed inevitably. As Turkish industrialists, we want our own people to work in our facilities and consume what they earn with their own hard work. If we want to beat inflation, if we want to solve problems in the economy, we need more industrial facilities, more production and more workforce, there is no other way.” As these aids and the base expand, people move away from being productive. If we can't find a solution to this together, investments will be made for more automation in the industry or foreign labor will be started to be employed inevitably. As Turkish industrialists, we want our own people to work in our facilities and consume what they earn with their own hard work. If we want to beat inflation, if we want to solve problems in the economy, we need more industrial facilities, more production and more workforce, there is no other way.” 

As Turkish industrialists, we want our own people to work in our facilities and consume what they earn with their own hard work. If we want to beat inflation, if we want to solve problems in the economy, we need more industrial facilities, more production and more workforce, there is no other way.” As Turkish industrialists, we want our own people to work in our facilities and consume what they earn with their own hard work. If we want to beat inflation, if we want to solve problems in the economy, we need more industrial facilities, more production and more workforce, there is no other way.”

Industry is growing, unemployment is increasing

According to the data announced by Turkstat, industrial production increased by 1.6 percent monthly in June and increased by 0.6 percent on an annual basis. Experts' expectations were that industrial production would decrease by 2.2 percent on a monthly basis and by 1.9 percent on an annual basis. Industrial production, which contracted by 8.2 percent in February 2023, when the earthquake disaster took place, thus experienced its fastest increase in JuneOn the other hand, according to the labor force statistics announced by TURKSTAT, the number of unemployed people increased by 2 thousand in June 2023 compared to the previous month and reached 3 million 337 thousand people, while the unemployment rate increased by 0.1 percentage points to 9.6%. It was announced that the unemployment rate was 7.8% for men and 13.2% for women.