As artificial intelligence-assisted facial recognition technology develops, the debates are also increasing. Many researchers around the world think there are ethical issues with the system. Let's take a look at the latest survey together.

This system has been in the hands of private companies and customers for years. Some of the facial analysis studies aim to determine the facial and body features of people. Others cover a wide range of topics that focus on accurately predicting aspects of identity. Consumer use, like some smartphones, claims to offer extra layers of security and accessMany other uses relate to law enforcement and widespread database monitoring practices. Much of the progress in facial recognition technology comes from social media, where millions of photos are constantly being analyzed. 

It is debated whether it is ethical or not, and on the one hand, its development continues. artificial intelligence Research on assisted facial recognition technology continues unabated.

Recent surveys on the subject show that AI researchers are skeptical of potential applications for their work. The survey cites practices in China as examples of unethical uses for facial recognition studies. Researchers say there are ethical concerns about tech companies in Beijing using facial recognition to track vulnerable groups such as Muslim Uyghurs. Because in this country, the laws on information are very broad and vague.

The acceptance tests of the Broadband Waveform, which was signed between the Presidency of Defense Industries and ASELSAN and the design of which was completed within the scope of the development project, were carried out successfully. The Broadband Waveform offers a self-installing and healing MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network) structure.

Broadband Waveform, capable of simultaneous voice, video and high-speed data communication, with automatic relay capability, acts as a frequency hopping, end-to-end encrypted IP network.

The Broadband Waveform enables simultaneous voice and data conversions to be combined, significantly reducing the number of radios and frequency bands needed in the tactical field.

While IP-based communication is supported with Broadband Waveform, up to 150 users will be served in a single cycle, data will be automatically transferred between different cycles without using additional equipment, end-to-end encryption and high frequency hopping speed will provide protection against electronic warfare. The Customs Enforcement Criminal Laboratory Directorate of the Ministry of Commerce operates in an indoor area of ​​156 square meters at Ankara Logistics Base.

The Criminal Laboratory Directorate detects and analyzes the types and amounts of narcotic and psychotropic substances with its expert staff and state-of-the-art devices and equipment. The Criminal Laboratory Directorate, which is responsible for examining the evidence obtained from crime scenes and creating an expert report, plays an important role in the fight against crime by ensuring that crime and criminal evidence are analyzed and resolved.

5 thousand analyzes in 3 months

Samples taken from drugs seized at customs are sent to the criminal laboratory by courier or cargo. Here, samples are received and prepared for analysis. Expert personnel determine the type of incoming samples by using the latest technological devices. The type and purity of heroin, cocaine, synthetic or semi-synthetic drugs are revealed in the tests.

Since August, 5 thousand analyzes have been made on 3 thousand 500 samples and sent to the judicial authorities.

"We are detecting drugs"

Customs Enforcement Criminal Laboratory Manager Kılınç  Özdinç said that the Criminal Laboratory was established in accordance with Article 24 of the Anti-Smuggling Law No. 5607, within the framework of preventing, monitoring and researching smuggling acts.

Explaining that samples taken from drugs and stimulants seized at customs gates were sent to them, Özdinç said, "Here, we perform the quality and quantity determination of synthetic, semi-synthetic and natural origin drugs seized by law enforcement units. After performing the analysis and determination, we send the expert reports to the judicial authorities." Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank examined the ongoing projects of the domestic aerospace and defense company Kale Aerospace and Kale R&D facilities in Tuzla. Tested the domestic missile engine developed by the company.

Kale Group Vice President and Head of Technical Department Osman Okyay and Varank, who made the test together with his engineers, made a statement after the test. Explaining that Kale Aviation is one of the most important production centers of the Turkish defense industry, Varank said, "Kale Group is one of our favorite companies in the industry, but it is also a very strong company in the defense and aerospace industry."

"We will be able to do our national missile projects with our own engine"

Stating that very important parts of the F-35 are produced in the production facilities of the group, Varank explained that the group supplies important aviation companies such as Boeing and Airbus.

Emphasizing that the group also stands out in engine technologies, Varank gave the following information:

"In the engine industry, Kale carries out important projects primarily to meet the needs of our country. This Kale KTJ-3200 Turbojet Engine is a 3,200 newton rocket engine. Currently, some of the products we have developed locally and nationally in our defense industry use engines of this size and power. "We were in the position of importing from abroad, but I hope that with the introduction of these in a very short time, we will be able to carry out our very important national missile projects with our own engine. We will launch our own products to the market." 

"World media is talking about our achievements in the defense industry"

Varank thanked the young engineers and Kale Group Vice President and Head of Technical Department Osman Okyay for their hard work over the years. Varank said that thanks to these efforts, the national turbo jet engine will be ready for mass production in a very short time.

Saying, "We just did the test, we heard your voice," Varank said that Turkey wants to be among the countries that make a difference in the world with its domestic and value-added production.

"The world media and countries are talking about our recent successes in the defense industry. The concepts of war have almost started to change with the products we have developed. Of course, we will close a huge gap in our country with these engines that Kale has developed here and hopefully will be delivered soon. You know, Turkey." "Obviously and secretly embargoes are being imposed on Turkey. In this sense, we have tested a product that will beat the embargoes here today. We are really proud."

Stating that he believes in the young engineers who developed Turkey's National Turbojet Engine Project, Varank said, "We trust our engineers and we are proud of them. I hope we will continue to visit such successful projects and introduce them to the public."

To be used in SOM missiles

Kale R&D, one of the Kale Group companies, produces the National Turbojet Engine, which will be used in the serial production of the Stand-Off Ammunition (SOM) needed by the Air Force CommandIt also undertakes the design, production, testing, technology demonstration, training and maintenance of engine subsystems, and the preparation of the Technical Data Package (TVP).

The system to be developed will constitute the first stage for the development of longer range Turbojet Engines, which can be used with SOM as well as other SOM-like national systems with possible modifications.

It will accelerate the defense industry 

Kale Group has become one of the most important stakeholders of the localization program in the last 16 years, in which Turkey has made great progress in defense and aviation.

The production of Turkey's first turbojet engine is one of the important domestic projects undertaken by Kale R&D.

Turkey's first National Turbojet Engine Project, developed by TÃœBÄ°TAK SAGE and developed for use in national missile platforms such as SOM produced by ROKETSAN, has reached the delivery stage. Kale Group started the design of a more advanced version of this engine, which is expected to give a great impetus to the country's defense industry.