It is also a matter of curiosity what will happen on the agenda of technology in 2023, few days before the new year. Stating that the impact of artificial intelligence will continue, technology experts say that augmented reality will appear frequently, and the digital and physical worlds will get closer. In 2023, we will encounter more super-applications defined as 'the application of everything'. Due to all these developments, cyber security will become much more important. 

Hyperconnected world

Stating that digitalization and digital transformation are progressing all over the world and in every sector, Ecehan Ersöz said, “There is both volumetric and transactional increase in data. Both consumer and business applications are increasingly supporting and contributing to this situation. The concept of IoT, which we call the internet of things, is constantly increasing with integrated sensors, devices, networks and infrastructures. This technology is integrated with artificial intelligence and becomes operational as AIoT. Thanks to this synergy, the synergy we will create with the devices around us will increase with the data coming from us and the feedback they will generate. According to Statista, there will be approximately 20 billion IoT devices worldwide in 2023, and this number will increase to 31 billion by 2025. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the speed increase that will be experienced with 5G. 

The siege of Artificial Intelligence will continue 

Artificial intelligence is now very much in our lives. Hyperconnectivity will add even more power to the power of artificial intelligence. Noting that human concepts such as learning, association, and interpretation will continue to be realized entirely on big data and big data provider platforms for artificial intelligence, Ersöz said, “In fact, the era of codeless artificial intelligence is approaching. This concept, which is defined as No-code AI, will facilitate the production of smarter products and services with the drag-and-drop method on interfaces. As one of the prominent examples of this, it is possible to show the Stitch-Fix brand, which I have followed for many years in the fashion industry. The brand uses this method to offer recommendations that suit customers' tastes and sizes. The contribution of artificial intelligence to many sectors, from retail to finance, will continue exponentially with its own development.”

Augmented reality 

Pointing out that augmented reality, which includes all technologies that simulate reality, from virtual reality to augmented reality, mixed reality and everything in between, is a field that we will encounter frequently in 2023 and beyond, Ersöz said, “The new generation internet will be made in a geospatial context at the point of 3D design and interaction. It will go further with improvements. This will take e-commerce and computer games to a higher level in terms of user experience. In addition, this development at the point of e-commerce will make significant contributions to both consumers and businesses. On the other hand, Web 3.0 will enable the development of applications with the concepts defined as low-code and no-code, even with little or no coding knowledge.

Cyber ​​security will become important
Expressing that cyber security is indispensable wherever there is internet and data, Ersöz said: “Therefore, in a world where both data volume and connectivity increase, these two factors deserve to be given even more importance. Cyber ​​security includes applications developed to prevent malicious access to company or personal data over the internet. For cyber security, the most basic point that users should pay attention to is what kind of internet structure they connect to the internet, whether their devices have up-to-date applications and they should consider data sharing in all kinds of transactions. Today, when threats are increasing, privacy policies should be reviewed while sharing in-app images and videos. Regarding companies, according to Gartner,
Digital and physical worlds will converge 

Stating that there are efforts to bring the digital and physical worlds closer together, and that the two important components that cause this situation are digital twin technology and 3D printing, Ersöz said, “Digital twins are the real-world processes used for testing new ideas in a secure digital environment and testing them before they are implemented. are simulations of operations or products produced in a virtual environment. Designers and engineers can use digital twins without incurring the high costs of real-life experiments, such as the costs of stopping a production line. In 2023, their use will become even more widespread”. 

Beware of quantum computing 

computing is based on the principles of quantum theory, which explains the nature of energy and matter at the atomic and subatomic level. “The design of the quantum computer is based on increasing the principles of quantum physics and the computational power of traditional computers,” Ersöz said, adding, “Splunk, Honeywell, Microsoft, AWS and Google are carrying out important studies and innovations regarding quantum computers, which are extremely faster than normal computers. Global revenues of these companies are expected to exceed $2.5 billion in 2029. Therefore, there is a worldwide race to develop and improve quantum computing on a large scale.

Super apps will increase
In 2023, we will encounter more super-applications defined as 'the application of everything'. Erșz gave the following information about the technology agenda of 2023: РThe name that uses the concept of super app the most after taking Twitter recently was Elon Musk. Musk has said that he aims to unlock Twitter's true potential and turn it into a super app that will be the "app for everything." It is possible to think of super applications as the collection of applications with different functions under a single roof. Such as shopping, social sharing, financial transactions, car rentals through a single application. This approach will be in high demand. On the other hand, since a single application will have dynamics of user behavior in different areas, improved results can be obtained at the point of customization. РIn the business world, especially in the fields of delivery and logistics, autonomous systems will continue to be put into use. Thanks to autonomous systems, we can see that many factories and warehouses have already become partially or fully autonomous.

Autonomous vehicles will be on the agenda again. This year we will see more autonomous trucks, ships and delivery robots being deployed, and more and more warehouses and factories will deploy autonomous technology. – Sustainability is one of the most important agenda items of our world. Threats to the environment have become evident in the last few years, and most of us are aware that we need to continue to improve our behaviors and practices to be more environmentally friendly. Therefore, it ranks first among the issues that both brands and consumers care about. – The four basic concepts of sustainability are defined as environmental, social, governance (ESG) and economic. A recent Gartner survey reveals that 87 percent of business leaders expect to increase their organization's investment in sustainability over the next two years. In 2023, consumers will demand more that the products and services they buy are energy efficient and supported by more sustainable technology. Therefore, there will be an increase in innovation in sustainable technologies. – In 2023, solutions will emerge to help companies measure and categorize their emissions and power consumption in a repeatable, consistent and auditable way. Technologies such as traceability, analytics, emission management software and artificial intelligence will power these solutions. This will play an important role in reducing the carbon footprint that businesses leave behind.