For people and companies that use social media as a marketing tool in general, the content they have to create every day may run out after a while. Preparing different, remarkable and interesting Social Media Contents every day will always elevate you in the competition.

The secret of content that is integrated and in harmony with each other on different platforms lies in the combined content creation plan.

What's Included?

  • To Create Content, First Set Your Purpose 
  • Be Original and Creative for Unique Social Media Content 
  • Be Extraordinary and Attractive 
  • Stay Between Empathy and Systematics 
  • Use the Right Timing and the Right Tools

To Create Content, First Set Your Purpose

In these channels where effective sharing takes place, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin , which are social media channels with the most users , digital marketing is a direct extension of communication with customers, sales or promotion.
The social media content creation plan should be prepared according to your industry, company scale, social accounts, the likes of regular posts, the number of followers and how much audience you can reach in general.

Social Media Contents For companies, of course, the desire to reach more people, the purpose of increasing brand awareness, and the increase of sales or visitors are the law.
Well-prepared content should always be aimed at hitting the full 12. It should be aimed to attract the attention of the majority, if not all visitors, to arouse interest and to generate demand.

Sometimes, moving away from formality and sharing more humorous approaches causes a strong intimacy between the customer and you.
Now let's create the social media content preparation plan in order.

Be Original and Creative for Unique Social Media Content

It will sound a bit classic to you, but yes, you have to be original and creative. Start by deciding what your main goal is for Sharing on Social Media Content . For example, in today's post, remind people how strong the company is, rather than sales. Start preparing a great image, symbolize the position of your companyTry to design all the remaining elements perfectly. Your visitors should be convinced of what your company wants to tell with a visual. Do not be tiring, share clearly and clearly. Link to this image with an original article for publication on social media .

The purpose of the image should be compatible with driving traffic to your site. It's always good to be different. Keep the description at the bottom of the image as short as possible. Direct the attention to the next phase, your website.
Don't ignore your audience's expectations of you. Organize sweepstakes. Make the winners proud. Give new sharing signals to your audience that expects more.

Be Extraordinary and Attractive

Even if you post routinely, you can create extraordinary content in your weekly planning. For example, identify your company with a humorous image. You are all familiar with the derivatives of the caricature that gives cash and gives on credit nowadays. Even if this is not the case, it will not be too difficult for you to prepare a visual that is told in a humorous language.

To give a close example to this, an advertisement prepared by Jivochat , for example, the advertisement image says "thank you for choosing us" . At the bottom, "Your Rivals"
The quality of the message and humor that is meant to be conveyed here is very impressive.

Be attractive, focus on campaigns that enable your visitors to buy that product instead of always forcing a sale. Make plans that highlight what each audience can have. It should make them feel like I should rather than have to .

Stay Between Empathy and Systematics

Keep up-to-date and raise expectations. Don't be afraid to share what's new, what you're going to do, or your last minutes. Keep up to date for good continuity of interaction. Awareness will not be shared once a week. When your brand rises to the position you want, the right planning will come in this direction. But for new social media users, brand awareness starts with being up to date.

Pay attention to the use of hashtags . Hashtags save live son Facebook or Twitter You can be found without being sought, you can be reached indirectly. Engage with your audience's latest trends. Try to be a follower, not just a follower.

Understanding what the audience wants and creating content in this direction will be your biggest attack.

Stay stable and be consistent. Creating regular content, getting likes and comments shows that you are on the right track. The intimacy between your brand and your visitors will be one of the reasons for your preference.

Use the Right Timing and the Right Tools

You can get support from creator tools to create the most popular content You should take into account the demands and opinions on social media, and you should never hesitate to communicate with your visitors. ( Canva – snappa – evernote etc.)

Increasing your quick response rates will also increase your website traffic. Create content that will excite your visitors. Attract visitors with products, campaigns or new opportunities.
Content should be of high quality. It will be useful to activate these shares according to the interaction hours of the audience who choose the right time. Observe when your followers are on social media platforms.

Prepare a general concept for yourself, determine the time, day and area according to the sharing calendar. For example, a post for interaction on Monday, a special discount offer on Tuesday, a product detail that is updated or renewed on Wednesday.

Spread your strategy on each day of the week according to this calendar. Create informative content, for example, be a consultant for the product you sell or an educational topic. Share information that touches people's general culture. Teach, earn, entertain …

You can also get information about Social media consultant job opportunities to take a step towards becoming a social media specialist .