What is TikTok?

TikTok is a Chinese social network formerly known as Musical.ly. Due to its full-screen format, this mobile platform allows users to share and stream very immersive video content. In just a few months, the social network has emerged as a true pioneer of the global video consumption trend.

Videos are usually 60 seconds long. This includes music, images, a short description and hashtags. TikTok is a worldwide phenomenon, with 12-24 year old's posting and sharing playback and choreography videos.

How TikTok Ads Work

Discover TikTok, the world's most popular app. With 800 million monthly active users, TikTok has already surpassed LinkedIn, Twitter, and Snapchat, to name a few. It is also the most downloaded app of 2020, with users spending an average of 49 minutes per day on the platform.800 million monthly users, each of whom spends a total of 24 hours a month on the platform. Imagine how many customers you might have in front of you if you used TikTok social media marketing! TikTok is an exciting platform for our customers to explore because of our data-centric approach to paid ads. We've mastered traditional paid social advertising platforms where businesses of all sizes have had success for years, but we're also looking ahead and trying to understand new platforms like TikTok with unlimited potential.

Why Should You Take Advantage of TikTok Ads?

The strength of the TikTok social network is undeniably the extremely high engagement capacity made possible by the platform's innovative ad formats.This is very appealing for consumer goods brands that want to reach a young, passionate and committed audience that will like, comment, share and participate in hashtag contests offered by advertisers on social media. 

Majority of TikTok users are Generations Y and Z who are very active on the social network worldwide. With the power of the TikTok experience, brands can instantly connect with their future consumers and turn users into ambassadors. The platform's intelligent content discovery process enables users to find relevant content based on their viewing preferences and habits, helping brands achieve faster growth and maximum visibility on the social network.

Leverage the Power of TikTok Ad Models

Top View

Top View is a video format that can be viewed directly in the TikTok ad space. As an advertiser, you enjoy maximum visibility in the app, as this format grabs the user's full attention, both visually, acoustically and narratively. Promote your brand in TikTok's prime location, up to 60 seconds long format and full screen video with autopay and audio. This type of ad presents a distraction-free image that grabs the user's full attention.

Brand Takeover

Grab the user's attention instantly with a variety of creative static or dynamic full-screen ad formats that allow your brand to have a strong visual impact.

In-Feed Ads

Tell your brand's story by integrating video content into the "For you" stream accessible to app users. Auto-play video with audio up to 60 seconds. Users can perform various actions with In-Feed ads, such as liking, commenting, sharing, following the brand, or creating a video using the same music as your ad, among other things.

Branded Effects

Create an ad using your stickers, filters and special effects.  Have fun creating your custom ads to best capture your audience's attention and encourage them to take action. Create your own visual universe to unleash your creativity, entertain your community and become famous all over the world. Brands can also use the "brand crawl" effect to provide an augmented reality experience to their customers.

Hashtag Challenge

A highly engaging, one-of-a-kind format that directly engages your audience and encourages them to express themselves on social media by trying to complete the challenge started by your hashtag! By choosing TikTok Hashtag Challenge, you increase brand awareness and provide an exponential engagement rate that goes beyond a simple click! Invite all users to create and participate in content focused on the theme of your campaign, with all of the UGC (User Generated Content) fits on the hashtag challenge page. This ad format can be shown for 3-6 days. The average participation rate of this format is 8.5%.

How Albert Solino Social Media Agency Supports You With Your TikTok Ads
Albert Solino is an Instagram agency that supports you in every aspect of your social media project on Instagram.

Needs Analysis

Our team analyzes your current internet and social media presence to create an effective TikTok campaign. It evaluates your needs, goals and budget to determine the best strategy to reach your target audience.

Target Selection

We define your target audience and collaborate to find the most effective ways to reach them.

Advertising Model Selection

The format you use is critical to reaching your target audience as effectively as possible. You can choose from a variety of ad formats on TikTok, but it's critical that you reflect your true goals when choosing the right tool.

Creating Your TikTok Campaign

After determining your goals, which tool will accompany us in the strategy and your budget, we think about the best way to make your ad attractive and effective.