All Notes on the Digitalization'18 Conference - Hints Blogging

As the Zeo Agency team, we hosted digital giants such as Google and Facebook and important names from the leading agencies and tools of the digital marketing industry within the scope of the Digitalization conference, which was held for the sixth time this year at Istanbul Radisson Blu Hotel ÅžiÅŸli on October 18-19, 2018.

In the event program, which was prepared in a different concept this year compared to previous years; Content marketing on the first day, performance marketing and technical issues on the second day. At the panels held at the end of each day, well-known names in the Turkish market answered the questions of the participants.

We would like to thank nearly 700 participants and speakers who showed interest in the conference for two days, and share all the details discussed at the event with the speaker presentations in this article. 

''Rıza Selçuk Saydam - Successful Product Development Method: Understand, Identify, Perform"

You can find the notes we took from the processes that Rıza approached with a perspective unique to Facebook culture:

  • Company culture is the most important thing that connects you and makes a company successful.
  • The mottos written on the posters hung on the walls of Facebook offices have a great impact on the company's culture.
  • One of the main reasons why Facebook has acquired the Hacker Company culture is the meaning of looking at the complex problems brought by the word Hacker from the perspectives that others do not and offering different solutions.
  • Facebook, which has also adopted the culture of empathy , approaches this issue in terms of internet speed. In order to understand the experience of people whose internet speed is not very good in the world, the internet speed in the company is fixed on 2G on Tuesdays .
  • The Messenger Lite application is the result of the empathy perspective above, and it is a product that can work stably at slow internet speeds all over the world.
  • There are three basic elements in successful product management; Understand Identify and Perform .
  • Understanding purpose and goal is more important than metrics because metrics are not actually our goals, they are the dynamics that allow us to measure them. That's why we should always focus on the cause .
  • Identifying the team's goal and main purpose is also defining its mission. It is also important that we measure this determined target well after the goals are determined together by asking each person in the team one by one while determining the target .

  • Identifying problems is just as important. We need to review previous projects and find out what worked well and what didn't.
  • It is very important that you define the problems that have arisen before or that may arise in the future from the eyes of people.
  • After all, it remains only for the teams to come together to value the determined goals and to strive to achieve them. That's why we need to build better trust by establishing good communication both within the team and with the people who use our app. The trust that comes with this good communication enables us to produce a good product at the end of the process .

"Laura Crimmons - Creating a Guide to a Successful Content Marketing Project"

Laura Crimmons, the founder of Silverthorn Agency, who has experience in various sectors, gave us useful information with her presentation titled Creating a Guide for Successful Content Marketing . Laura stated that it is not possible to talk about any guarantee in PR and Content Marketing; She stressed that there are too many variables at work. Here are the ways to create a successful campaign in which Laura also explains these variables, briefly notes from the presentation:

Timing - What days should I write?
Attention should be paid to special days that are trending that journalists and media care about (such as religious days, holidays, cultural events, etc.)

Credibility - What makes the brand believable?

  • Confidentiality of workspace and conversations (GDPR)
  • Reflecting expert opinions on the website or service

Relevance - Why should I be interested in this campaign?

  • Check if an article has been written on this subject before.
  • Check if the person is in the area of ​​interest
  • You should determine your target audience correctly, for example, check whether they tweeted about this topic or wrote an article before.
  • The boundaries of the subject should be determined

Emotional Reaction - How does this story make me feel?

  • The way you make people feel ensures that you achieve lasting results for their lifetime, for example, content about wars is always on the first page because it matters if it hurts you.
  • Should I simulate an emotion? Should these feelings be positive or negative? You must plan the answers to the questions
  • Play people to trigger emotions, activate them

Human Influence - How can I influence?

  • Do case studies where you measure the impact of people, for example, you can do a study about the difficulties in the work environment.

Shareability - How can we gain better engagement?

  • Always consider the human element
  • Be careful to use the popularity of the written story or content so that it can be inferred from it in the next story.
  • Check if shareable on social media
  • Another important factor is to tell your story with 280 characters on Twitter, a social media tool.

Images - Which images should I use?

  • All stories must use images
  • Pay attention to how images are shared because you may not be able to deliver a high-resolution image on all platforms.
  • Be sure to include explanations along with the images.
  • Include not only photos but also videos in the content.

Explaining briefly what we should do, Laura talked about useful tips at the end of the presentation:

  • Show that you have done research
  • If you are calling a person, be sure to use their name.
  • Don't be too friendly or too cold find a middle ground when communicating
  • Do not send press releases as PDF, this will limit their use by journalists
  • Support the content or news with healthy data, data sharing is important
  • Clearly include your contact information (such as e-mail, contact number, address, etc.)
  • Go over everything again (make a final read)

"Sam Marsden - SEO Reporting Automation with Google Data Studio"

Deep Crawl SEO & Content Manager Sam Marsden, who made a presentation on automation in SEO reporting, talked in detail about the requirements of automation and how we can automate in an increasingly competitive environment. Here are the notes from his speech:

  • Automation is required to perform daily routine tasks faster and more easily and to obtain more consistent insights.
    • He talked about how the DeepCrawl team automates their reports using Google Data Studio and Zapier for automation.
    • Google Data Studio was announced in 2016. Its connection with over 100 connectors allows you to transfer a wide variety of data to your reports.
    • Since Google Data Studio was announced, its use has become a rapidly spreading tool.
    • It stands out with its ease of use and the abundance of connectors in report automation.
    • By entering Google Data Studio, you can transfer your Analytics account here and create a dashboard with the data you want. This section will be constantly updated and you won't have to go and pull data again and again.
    • If you want to use a Supermetrics account, which is a paid tool, this process becomes much easier and it becomes easier for you to import third-party resources into Google Data Studio.
    • After performing your automation with Google Data Studio, make sure to use Zapier to further automate your work with automatic notifications such as alarms and mail.
    • You need to use zapier to import DeepCrawl data into Data Studio. You import data from DeepCrawl to Google Sheets with zapier. You transfer data to Data Studio via Google Sheets.
    • In this section, if you transfer the data from the Seach Console account to Google Data Studio together with DeepCrawl, you can show data such as XML sitemap problems, crawl errors, indexed pages next to the DeepCrawl crawl results.
    • Finally, you can set an automatic alarm for the scan time to Deep Crawl via Google Calendar.

"Lexi Mills - Creating a Successful PR Strategy with SEO and Content Marketing"

    Lexi Mills , one of the founding partners of Shift6, was with us at this year's Digitalzone event with her presentation on How We Can Create a Successful PR StrategyHighlights of the presentation are as follows:

Lexi Mills, who started her presentation by saying that PR, public relations has a bad name, stated that she believes that real PR is the creation of truth in a beautiful way, which is done as far from falsehood as possible.