There is no single valid strategy in content marketingEvery business has a different content marketing strategy that will work for them. Part of being successful in content marketing is following and understanding the best approaches in the industry.

Before we move on to the best content marketing for 2023, let's take a look at the basic content marketing strategies that should be done regardless of date.

Basic principles of content marketing

Even if the best content marketing strategies are implemented for 2023 and beyond, these strategies are unlikely to improve the business without the fundamentals. For this reason, there are some basic content marketing strategies that businesses must implement. 

Understanding the Target Audience

At the core of every successful marketing strategy is careful analysis of its target audience. 

Getting to know the target audience;

  • focusing on the right content delivery channels
  • to establish an emotional connection with the target audience to create a more effective strategy
  • to create content that solves problems by analyzing the problems of the target audience.
  • It helps to increase conversion rates by reaching the points where customers have problems.

It is also necessary to know that the target audience does not only consist of people who use the product or service. People from whom customers get ideas (such as influencers) and people from whom they receive permission are also included in the target audience. 

Creating Realistic Goals and Implementation Plan

A study shows that 73% of B2B marketers have a marketing strategy and 40% have it written down. 

Defining realistic marketing goals and metrics is difficult. If this is your first time doing this, you may make mistakes in your estimates many times.

First of all, pay attention to the people you compare yourself to. Your marketing budget will likely be much smaller than the best in your field. Instead of fighting them right away, you can aim to beat companies that are just one or two tiers above your category.

Next, be sure to outline the steps you need to take to reach your goals. Increasing organic traffic by 50% in 12 months is a good goal. However, do not stay fixed on this goal. Divide your goal into pieces. Determine how many pieces of content you need to publish and how many backlinks you need to create to achieve this goal.

When you implement these strategies for all your goals, you can be one step ahead of most content marketers. 

Mastering the basics  

We can evaluate content marketing in this order as using content to build trust and awareness, generate traffic, leads and customers. 

When we approach it this way, we can see that the only way to be successful in content marketing strategy is to master the basics.

  • Planning content (target audience research, keyword research)
  • Content production (choosing the right content type, consistently producing well-structured content with actionable recommendations)
  • Content optimization (seo)
  • Performing content promotion and distribution (off-page SEO, PPC, influencer reach, social media marketing) 

    The best content marketing strategies for 2023

    In 2023, businesses need to strengthen their content marketing strategies as the digital world develops rapidly and the marketing industry becomes more and more competitive.

    Create Keyword-Based Content Strategies

    One of the most common mistakes businesses make is not having a keyword-driven content strategy. While businesses may think that just creating quality content is enough, this isn't the case.

    If you want to grow by converting organic traffic into leads and customers, you need to have a content strategy based on extensive keyword research. 

    The value of quality content is becoming more and more appreciated every day. If you want to compete at the top of the SERPs for competitive keywords, look for new ways to add value by making your content more consumable and easier to implement. 

    For this:

    • Ensure long texts are logically organized and presented with an easy-to-understand table of content.
    • This broad and comprehensive advice gives way to actionable tips and real-life examples.
    • To support complex concepts with custom animations or (info)graphics that include steps, diagrams and other visual representations that make the subject easy to understand.
    • Reaching experts in the field and sharing their thoughts on some issues.
    • Adding surveys, quizzes and calculators to make content more interactive.

    Although this is not a definitive list, it can be a good start to activate your creativity. 

Be consistent

Consistency is the key to achieving your goals when doing quality content marketing.

To be consistent you need to:

  • Each content must have a minimum quality level that it must meet before being published
  • Adoption of a consistent style and style across all content channels
  • Having a set of visual brand guides to create a recognizable visual style

If you're just starting out, don't be afraid to test things out. It may take some time to find your business style. But when you find the style of the Business, you should create a style guide and stick to it for consistency.

Get outside help on the issues you are not good at

You don't have to give all the responsibility to an agencyYou can also collaborate with an agency.

For example, you might work with a few businesses that have excellent content writers with in-depth knowledge of the subject area. In this case, he takes on the role of editor – preparing content summaries, reviewing outlines, adding custom graphics, and making sure the content complies with on-page SEO best practices.

Another reason to get involved to some extent is to make sure the content fits your brand style and tone and really connects with your brand, as well as coordinating lead generation and other promotional activities you can do in parallel.


Get help from your analytics

As more and more businesses compete for customers' attention, only businesses that take a good strategic approach to content marketing will be able to reap a good return on investment.

Recently, we interviewed a semi-renowned brand in interior design. They had over 500,000 monthly organic traffic, but their conversion rates were very low as most of that traffic came from awareness-level content.

They were willing to spend most of their budget building links to pages that were already performing well. While this would probably work, the more cost-effective idea was to split that budget into 3 parts. 

The first portion would be used to continue boosting pages that are already generating some leads. The second part would be used to increase overall conversion rates on the site.

Take care to be transparent and original

9 out of 10 consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands to love and support.

In an age where every brand message is designed to sell something and every social media post is meticulously planned, people are uncomfortable being manipulated and told what to think. Therefore, customers expect brands to be transparent and authentic. 

Be honest with customers about your product, service, and what you can offer. 

Trust the Process

Content marketing campaigns may require more than 6 months of consistent work to show demonstrable results.  

A few months of serious work and no results can quickly become discouraging. It's also normal to want to go back and make significant changes. But before you do that, you need to be a little more patient. If you follow industry best practices and have effective plans that can catch and eliminate quality issues, you must be patient and trust the process.