Digital Marketing Strategy, Business,Socia Media

When your business needs a digital campaign, you need to master the planning and implementation processes, even if you get support from experts. Because the experts or campaigns you receive support from may change. However, mastering the entire process and operation will give you the opportunity to see the path you have taken in digital marketing over the years from a holistic perspective and thus develop a marketing vision.  

Planning a digital marketing campaign allows you to present the business's products or services by making them attractive to existing or potential customers, but this is not a simple process. One of the most important parts of the job is the strategies developed through analysis. At all stages of the campaign, all creative processes such as texts and visuals used in the campaign are developed with techniques appropriate to these strategies. In other words, determining an effective strategy means determining how and on what basis the entire process for the digital campaign will be built. If you say 'Don't let the wrong account return from Baghdad', there are some important points you should pay attention to when creating a strategy:


1. Determining the target audience

The term 'Target Audience' can be briefly defined as the 'customer group you want to target', but standardizing all your customers is a critical mistake. Instead, it will be in your interest to create different groups and subgroups within your target audience and try to customize it as much as possible when determining a strategy. It is important to know and define your target audience for every campaign.


2. Goals and success criteria

You created a plan with your team about your target audience. So what is your goal? What kind of needs will the digital marketing campaign you prepare meet, what kind of results will you achieve your goal and how realistic are these potential results? The answers to these questions will lead you to determine your goals. Analyze and clearly define your goals and success criteria. 


3. Takeaway for previous campaigns

Learning from successes or failures and starting with the experience of lessons learned when stepping into new businesses is important throughout the entire process, but it is most important when developing a strategy. Evaluate previous campaigns and take notes, analyze what effort was made, what was targeted and what was done to achieve these, and what strategic problems or deviations occurred on which issues. Evaluating all campaigns in terms of performance and process means gaining valuable experience when embarking on a new digital marketing campaign, and working on strategic planning accordingly is valuable on the path to success. Of course, this should not mean falling into repetition, but should be seen as shedding light on innovations. 


4. Alignment with the overall marketing strategy

Create your campaign strategy in line with the general marketing approach of your business. A campaign developed as part of a holistic approach will benefit the business from a corporate perspective in the long run. At the same time, make sure that both conventional and digital studies are carried out in an overlapping mannerCompanies may choose to work with multiple agencies or independent experts, so make sure the marketing efforts you delegate are strategically aligned and overlapping.  


Digital Marketing Strategy, Business,Socia Media

5. Alignment with contextual targeting strategy

Now that you have found the answers to the questions "To whom, for what purpose, for what...", take into consideration that digital content also has its own goals when establishing a campaign strategy. Among other factors, you can determine your keywords or topics in digital media. So you can structure your messages accordingly. In other words, you can develop these messages in line with the strategy in text writing, visual or image selection and editing, and have the opportunity to manage advertisements accordingly. Remember that in digital campaign planning, content means almost 'everything' and that it is prepared holistically, depending on other strategic elements in line with the strategy you have determined.

6. Alignment with positioning and overall communication approach

Remember that your brand or business has a general stance and style, and each campaign creates messages that contribute to this. In addition, each campaign you plan strategically will be a channel to present new messages and receive feedback on behalf of your business. In this sense, see the campaign as part of the overall communication approach and determine a strategy parallel to the overall communication approach.


7. Compliance with the campaign budget

Marketers often do not primarily consider budget when determining strategy. Although it is possible to build creative campaign plans with different budgets on the same strategy, it is useful to take into account budgeting when creating a strategy. 


8. Customer conversion rates

Marketers should consider the possibilities by updating research data frequently. When determining a target audience, since you are focusing on customized groups instead of general audiences, you should aim to reach customers who have purchased similar products or services in the past and are therefore more likely to repeat this consumption behavior. Increasing customer conversion rates means increasing profitability. Improving brand loyalty is one of the important goals of marketing, and customer conversion has greatly increased profitability, especially in digital campaigns supported by EDI in recent yearsWhen determining a strategy, do not forget to calculate customer conversion by examining customer purchasing data.

9. Consumer behavior, trends and agenda analysis 

A marketing expert should follow the agenda closely and analyze the reflections of the agenda on consumer behavior. When developing a strategy for digital campaign planning, be sure to follow new trends, economic and sociological news, in other words, current developments globally and locally. Particularly examine the research results and current data on how these developments are reflected in consumption behavior or sales graphs.