10 Tips to Instill Healthy Eating Habits in Your Child - Hints Blogging

As parents, we all attach great importance to the proper nutrition and healthy physical development of our children, but sometimes there may be moments when we have difficulties. Feeding my daughter is a complete torture. We can all say sentences like "My son consumes too much junk food, I can't control it" from time to time.

What can you do and what factors can you pay attention to to help your child acquire healthy eating habits? Here are 10 tips for you…

1. Give your child the habit of eating at the table from infancy. Don't run after him with the plate. Try to sit at the dinner table with your family for at least one meal. During this time, do not constantly keep an eye on your child's plate or the way he or she eats. Enjoy the conversation and the moment with your family.

2. Depending on the holding and grasping skills developed between 12-18 months, children can start using a spoon on their own, and after 18 months of age, they can start eating with a fork as well as a spoon. Once your child can hold a spoon and fork, allow him to eat on his own. Do not trip over spilled food. With practice, he will learn not to spill it over time. 

3. Limit the time spent eating at the table to 30 minutes. If the time you set is exceeded and your child still does not eat, tense moments may begin for both you and him. In such situations, calmly take his food from him. Until the next meal, be careful not to give him high-calorie, sugary foods or snacks, as long as he has something to eat...

4. We grew up hearing the sentence "If you don't finish your plate, angels will cry behind you."So, even if you're full, keep eating to finish your plate. However, what needs to be done is to let the child stop eating at the point when he says he is full. In this way, we can help children control their feeling of satiety and hunger. To do this, serve their food in small portions and refill their plate if necessary.

10 Tips to Instill Healthy Eating Habits in Your Child - Hints Blogging

5. Do not let your child eat in front of the television or iPad. In front of the screen, children cannot realize what they eat or how much they eat because their focus is on the images they watch. Since they cannot perceive that they are full, they may consume more food than necessary. This can cause many health problems…

6. Ask for support from your child while preparing meals. Meanwhile, talk about foods and try to learn about their food preferences. Children may be more willing to eat or try foods they help prepare. 

7. If you are going to try a new food, try to capture the moments when your child is hungry. Even if it's just a taste, express your appreciation. Introduce new flavors over and over again, in different formats.

8. If possible, do the grocery shopping with your child.When choosing food and drinks, examine the labels and look at their ingredients. In this way, you will create an opportunity for him to recognize and examine different foods.

9. As children get older, they may want to consume more junk food. Keep in mind that in such cases, it will be more effective to set limits rather than completely banning them. When setting limits, be sure to explain to your child the reason and take a consistent approach as family elders. 

10. Make sure you are the right role model in this matter, as in everything else. If we consume junk food while telling our child to eat, and if we do not follow a regular and healthy eating pattern for ourselves, our words will have no credibility.

10 Tips to Instill Healthy Eating Habits in Your Child - Hints Blogging