What is Art Therapy? - Hints Blogging


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Art therapyIt is a therapy method that aims to provide psychological assistance to individuals by using different branches of art such as sculpture, painting and music. Art therapy increases a person's insight and enables him to realize the emotions and thoughts he has suppressed unconsciously.

Art therapy is especially useful in helping individuals who have difficulty expressing their deep emotional traumas and who use their defense mechanisms extensively to understand themselves and realize and make sense of their emotions.

What Does Art Therapy Mean?

Art therapy is a therapy method that aims to treat psychological problems by using various branches of art. In art therapy, different branches of art such as music, cinema, painting, sculpture, storytelling, literature, dance and theater can be used.

Sometimes it can be difficult for a person to explain the problems he is experiencing about something. For example, in traumas and deep emotional problems, a person has difficulty in bringing what he wants to say to the level of consciousnessIn such cases, it may be necessary to benefit from art therapy to provide the person with effective psychological counseling. Because art allows the subconscious to emerge more easily and therefore to express one's emotions more easily.

In art therapy, instructions are given to the client in accordance with the specified art branch. For example, a client who experiences intense depressive feelings because of violence can have a clay sculpture made to help him realize and accept his feelings. The client may be asked what he/she likes to feel like and asked to express his/her feelings with a clay sculpture. 

Many issues such as whether the client talked while making the sculpture, how big and how long it took to make the sculpture, what difficulties he experienced while making the sculpture, etc. are therapy materials to be discussed during the session. After the client finishes the sculpture, the client's feelings should be talked about through the sculpture he made.

What is Art Therapy Used for?

Art therapy is used to help clients who have difficulty expressing their feelings and thoughts express themselves more easily. Art therapy is used to help the person realize himself and make sense of the problem he is experiencing more easily.

Art therapy is used to help a person realize and make sense of the intense emotions he or she experiences and reduce the impact of these emotions on his or her daily life. Art therapy can be used in the treatment of people with poor insight, attention deficit, severe trauma, shyness and social adaptation problems. Art therapy can be applied to individuals of all ages.

What is Art Therapy Used for? 

Art therapy helps:

Art therapy is a useful method in the treatment of every individual who has difficulty talking about their feelings and thoughts. Art therapy works at many stages, from increasing a person's awareness to solving his or her problem.

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What is Art Therapy Training?

Art therapy training is a training program that comprehensively explains to whom and how art therapy is applied. People who receive art therapy training learn art therapy techniques and become able to use these methods in their own sessions.

The content of art therapy education may be different in each institution. For example, while people who want to become art therapists need to receive art therapy practitioner training, it will be sufficient for people who want to have general knowledge about art therapy and improve their level of knowledge in this field to receive art therapy training.

Who is Art Therapy Applied to? Who Should Get Art Therapy?

Art therapy is applied to people who: 

  • People with timid and shy personality structure
  • antisocial individuals
  • People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Individuals experiencing intense emotional problems
  • People who have difficulty expressing their emotions
  • Individuals with high anxiety problems
  • Individuals with intense unconsciously repressed emotions and thoughts
  • People with speech difficulties
  • People who have experienced severe trauma
  • Individuals with social adaptation problems
  • People with poor insight
  • People with panic attack symptoms

What are the Benefits of Art Therapy?

Benefits of art therapy include:

  • Thanks to art therapy, a person's insight is strengthened.
  • Emotions and thoughts suppressed unconsciously are revealed through art therapy.
  • Art therapy is a useful method to increase the client's awareness.
  • Art therapy increases the client's creativity.
  • It helps the person to express his thoughts and feelings that he cannot express.
  • It ensures that all kinds of emotions and thoughts that are outside the consciousness come to the conscious level.
  • It provides a more concrete understanding of the problem.

Which Books Should Be Read for Art Therapy?

  • Expressionist Art Therapy 
  • Healing with Art Therapy 
  • Art Therapy: Painting Techniques, Metaphors and Symbols 
  • Beyond Words - Art Therapy and Creativity 
  • Art Psychodrama 
  • Integration of Expressive Art into Counseling Practices: Theory-Based Interventions 
  • Art Therapy 
  • Art Therapy and Creativity: Can It Be an Educational Model? 
  • Directing the Fire: Psychotherapy and Creativity through Art - Art Therapy 
  • Encyclopedia of Interpreting Shapes and Symbols in Art Therapy and Projective Techniques 
  • Art Therapy: Integration of Basic Psychological Theories and Expressionist Art 

You can read the books above to gain knowledge in the field of art therapy, but you can also examine books written specifically on these subjects to gain information on areas such as cinema therapy and music therapy, which can be included within the scope of art therapy.

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