8 Benefits of Kettlebell Training - Hints Blogging

Kettlebell equipment has its roots in European athletic strength competitions. But it's obvious that he's come a long way since then. This ball-shaped equipment brings many benefits for both cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Kettlebells focus on gaining strength rather than muscle mass; It is at the forefront among weight equipment for a slim, shaped and tight physique.

Come and find out what you can do so you don't have to stare at the kettlebells at the gym from a distance next time. Maybe you'd like to add a new friend to your dumbbells at home.

Provides Versatile Conditioning

Kettlebell contributes to increasing your fitness in various aspectsIt is used to improve strength and cardiovascular endurance. A study conducted by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) showed that kettlebell training; It shows that it improves strength gain, aerobic capacity, balance and core stability.

Burns More Calories

Thanks to its handle shape, which is thicker than kettlebells, dumbbells and barbells, and its sub-maximum load; You can do movements such as circular, snatch or clean and jerk in longer sets.

Again, a study conducted by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) states that the average person burns approximately 20 calories per minute during a standard kettlebell exercise, meaning 400 calories can be burned in a 20-minute exercise. The study examining kettlebell training, which includes the kettlebell snatch movement, shows that 13.6 calories per minute are burned aerobically and 6.6 calories per minute anaerobically. This level of calorie burning; This corresponds to the speed of running 1.6 km in 6 minutes.

Improves Explosive Power

According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, the hip swinging motion applied during the kettlebell swing and the rapid response required to swing the kettlebell improves explosive power in as little as six weeks.

Improves Balance and Posture

Kettlebell training can improve your posture while making daily activities easier by working all the muscles you use in daily life.

Whole body movements such as Turkish get up and kettlebell windmill allow to increase balance and strength. Kettlebell exercises can also improve postural reflexes. This means it helps prevent falls and poor posture by keeping your head, neck and spine in the right place.

8 Benefits of Kettlebell Training - Hints Blogging

Shows Cardio Effect

Kettlebells help you burn high amounts of calories by increasing your heart rate and using your entire body. Fluid swinging movements, which are frequently used in kettlebell training, do not put much pressure on the joints. In this way, you feel like you are doing cardio while avoiding the impact of running. You can achieve a lot in a short time and create a great training session with 20-30 moves. You can try using some kettlebell moves in your next HIIT session.

Improves Comprehension Ability

Holding the weight while swinging it in the air is a difficult task that also requires hand and finger strength. Grasping the handle of the kettlebell helps increase grip strength. Research shows that grip strength is a good indicator of overall health and quality of life, especially as we age.

Strengthens Core and Shoulders

Kettlebell movements that change the center of gravity, by their nature; It contributes to strengthening the core area and creating strength and stability in the spine. Kettlebell movements such as Russian twist, Turkish get-up and one-arm swing can help you with this. Using a kettlebell for any press or overhead movement will challenge your shoulder in a way that a dumbbell or barbell cannot, increasing your shoulder stability and strength.

Increases Focus and Coordination Ability

Surprisingly, many kettlebell workouts also exercise your brain. The rapid exchange of weight between the hands and the transfer of weight between different sides of the body requires focus and coordination. This makes a kettlebell workout mentally stimulating as well.

8 Benefits of Kettlebell Training - Hints Blogging