How can we have a healthy and balanced diet? - Hints Blogging

Healthy and balanced nutrition has become an issue that has become more prominent, especially with the pandemic. On the one hand, there are those who want to strengthen their body resistance and, on the other hand, want to control their weight during this period when they are stuck at home. And also those who spend time in the kitchen and relieve stress... If you are one of those who spent the negative effects of the pandemic by stressing in the kitchen, then the healthy nutrition suggestions we will give may be useful to you.

To prevent the desire to constantly make and eat pastries at home out of boredom, you can turn to foods with more fiber instead of doughy foods. Apart from this, you can focus on vegetables that can be consumed raw to strengthen immunity. You need to include raw vegetables in every meal and pay attention to the consumption of seasonal vegetables and fruits... We maintain completely personalized; You can try getting healthy nutrition counseling. Thus, you can protect your health by planning a diet suitable for your metabolism. 

Healthy and Balanced Nutrition Tips

You should not miss drinking enough water and exercising for a healthy life. You can create a healthy and balanced diet by planning your daily meal times and meal contents in advance And you can turn it into a lifestyle. Our dietitians, who provide nutritional consultancy, calculate the calories you need to consume daily; They can facilitate you in this regard.

What you can do for a healthy diet :

  • You should consume an average of 1.5-3 liters of water per day, provided that it is calculated according to your weight. (30-32 ml/kg) If your kidney functions are not impaired, you can calculate your daily water needs this way.
  • You should avoid excessive consumption of doughy foods.
  • If you do not have intolerance, you should make sure to eat adequately and balancedly from all types of food (cereals, vegetables, meat, fruits). 
  • You should stop consuming excessive sweets. 
  • You should not consume packaged foods and harmful junk foods that do not contain clean ingredients. 

You may be one of those who know all this but cannot apply it. For this, the support you receive from outside may motivate you. Thanks to healthy nutrition counseling, you can create your eating and drinking plan day by day and week by week. You can get to know your metabolism, learn the nutrition plan that suits you, and start implementing good meal planning for yourself. 

As long as health and balance are together, you will see that your diet does not disrupt your body balance. Because you should consume as much of each food as you need during the day. Otherwise, excessive consumption of even fruits or olive oil that you think are healthy may cause you to gain weight. On the other hand, you may experience various health problems due to not getting enough of the other nutrients you need. For example, not getting enough nutrients from vitamins and minerals can significantly reduce your immunity. In order to keep all these in balance , you should gain a balanced eating habit and get support from a nutritionist if necessary. 

What is a Healthy and Balanced Nutrition?

Healthy nutrition is the nutrition required for our body to continue all its activities in a healthy way. It is a habit that everyone needs. However, healthy nutrition may vary depending on everyone's health status, blood values ​​and hormones. It should be considered just like a fingerprint. Just as each person's fingerprints are different, their body and required nutrition style may also be different. You consume some foods for purposes such as filling your stomach and having a balanced diet. But there are some foods that you enjoy eating because of habit and addiction.

These are generally considered unhealthy foods that fall into either the fast food or dessert category. It may be difficult to completely eliminate these foods from your life all at once. However, when you switch to a personalized nutrition plan, you will realize that you need these types of foods less and less over time. Because your blood sugar fluctuations will decrease. And so healthy eating will give you pleasure day by day. 

In addition to all this, here are the things you should pay attention to when creating  a healthy and balanced diet list :

  • By having a blood count, you can create the diet list you need with the help of an expert.
  • You should follow a diet where you are sure that you will not starve. Because when you are hungry, your motivation will decrease after a while. Gaining back the weight you lost by starving can be very fast. This will make you think that the troubles you are going through are not worth it and you will be unhappy because you gained weight again.
  • How can we have a healthy and balanced diet? - Hints Blogging

  • You should stay away from crash diets. Because you can lose weight very quickly with these diets. But this is a very unhealthy way to lose weight. Since you will suddenly lose weight, you may experience various health problems that will shake you, such as blood pressure and sudden sugar drops. 
  • You must follow the diet list you have taken properly. If you cannot find any food on your diet list or cannot consume it for any reason, you should learn what to replace it with. 

This eating pattern, created with the foods your body needs, is included in a healthy and balanced diet . The more harmful habits you remove from your life, the more you will improve your quality of life. 

What is Healthy Nutrition Consultancy?

As we stated above , healthy nutrition means that a person acquires eating habits in accordance with his own metabolism. A nutrition consultant (dietitian)  is the person who guides the person on proper nutrition during this process. 

The consultancy system in which people receive help on healthy and balanced nutrition and are followed up at regular intervals is called Healthy Nutrition Consultancy . 

This counseling method, which encourages people to eat healthy, aims to help people who have difficulty maintaining self-discipline. Thus, although most people want to turn to harmful foods, they can learn alternatives and manage their eating attacks by getting support from their dietitian. With this psychology that relaxes the person, the person is prevented from feeling lonely, the crisis is managed together and the individual stays away from breaking his diet. 

Moreover, when this is done within the scope of an employee support service, the employee supported by the company is more motivated to eat regularly. Thus, it would not be wrong to say that most of those who receive counseling get positive results. 

Why is Healthy Nutrition Counseling Necessary?

You should get help from a dietitian. Because you can see how you get results with weekly and monthly follow-ups. Depending on your progress, your dietitian may make changes to your diet list. As a result, you will be fed foods that are good for your body with your diet list specially prepared for you. Perhaps you can see that many of the problems you experience in daily life due to improper nutrition are gradually disappearing. 

For example, dizziness and headaches are among the most common problems as a result of inadequate or incorrect nutrition. Various disorders such as forgetfulness, fatigue, weakness, constant sleepiness, pain in the joints, numbness in the feet and hands are among the problems that sometimes occur as a result of changes in the balance in the body. 

Sudden drops in blood sugar can be prevented with a healthy and balanced diet . Sudden rise or drop in blood sugar causes different symptoms in the person. In low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), various symptoms such as tremors in the hands and darkening of the eyes can be mentioned. A balanced diet can prevent any metabolic imbalance that may occur.

Who Should Get Healthy Nutrition Counseling?

Living healthy and maintaining weight control is primarily a matter of willpower, as we said before. However, people who do not tend to overeat may also experience weight gain problems. Excessive weight gain should be prevented as it triggers various disorders in the body. 

While joint problems come first, fat accumulated around the waist can trigger insulin resistance and diabetes. Whether it's about solving your weight problem or living a healthier life, you may feel inadequate about healthy nutrition. 

Are you one of those who want to regain your self-confidence, get a fit appearance, and choose the right foods for your health? Then you can benefit from Healthy Nutrition Consultancy service within the scope of Avita Employee Support Service . 

With healthy and balanced nutrition consultancy:

  • You can get the necessary guidance to implement your special diet program. 
  • You may have the chance to get information about the things you need to pay attention to before going on a diet. 
  • You can get tips on what you need to do to make the diet process easier. 
  • You can improve your quality of life much more than before by getting information about what you can do for a stronger immunity. 
  • If you are doing sports; You can get expert opinion about your nutrition before and after sports.
  • Breastfeeding mothers can learn tips to increase milk quality and milk quantity.
  • If you have any chronic disease such as diabetes, blood pressure, insulin resistance, constipation, gastritis, reflux, PCOS; You should definitely follow a nutrition program specific to you.
  • If you are extremely thin and have problems gaining weight, your problem can be easily solved by getting support in this regard.
  • If you complain about constant edema problems; You can get ideas about identifying the causes and solving them.
  • If you have a child struggling with obesity; By learning about nutrition methods in childhood and adolescence, you can enforce healthy eating rules in your family.
  • By learning about healthy cooking techniques and healthy meals; You can make radical changes in the meals you cook in your kitchen. Thus, a healthy life will come naturally.

  • How can we have a healthy and balanced diet? - Hints Blogging