
Humanity has been an expansionist species since the beginning of its history. Just like ants. . People also established colonies over time. Doors that open to a completely different land, far from their homeland. There were various motivations behind the established colonies. Exploration, trade, war, expansionism. Greek colonies existed in many corners of the Ancient World. The Phoenicians also had their colonies scattered around the Mediterranean. In the following ages, with the discovery of America, colonialism reached completely different dimensions.

Some of the colonies established throughout history disappeared, some turned into a huge salt field, some survived and turned into powerful states. Humanity eventually spread to nearly all of Earth's landmasses. The future of colonies now looks in space. But is it really so? Even if we spread out into space, our species will still depend on the Earth, so we need to be able to make good use of the Earth to its full potential.

Even in the world, I think there are still places that can be colonized. Climate changes, new settlement preferences, ecological, economic and social programs will oblige humanity to establish new colonies in the coming ages.


The oceans don't seem to be promising a good future lately. Coral reefs are not doing well. The waters are warming, life is dying, unbalanced hunting is drying up many species, and lately, microplastics can be found even in the most remote corners of the planet. On top of that, as if all this wasn't enough, the water levels were rising. Islands and coastal cities could be submerged. Should this scare us? Certainly. But what if we build cities floating on the ocean in the near future, that is, conquer the ocean, which is one of the few places on our planet that we still haven't fully explored?

It seems likely that there will be cities floating on the ocean in the future. Because why not? Moreover, it is one of the most probable types of colonies of the future. A city on floating platforms surrounded by breakwaters. Completely ecologically and sustainably self-sufficient. So, are the land parts not enough for us, do the climate changes make life difficult, are we tired of living on land? Cities over the ocean are perfect for us. We do not know whether these cities are established by states or international organizations or if they are all established with special incentives. But today there is something close to that already. A micro-country on the sea; sealand


In the past, especially towards the end of the Holocene, the deserts that exist today were more humid and habitable than they are today. In fact, the liquid mass we know today as Lake Chad was once a huge inland sea. However, today the Sahara Desert is just an empty ocean of sand. Unfortunately, Africa's Sahel Strip also looks set to join the Sahara. Desertification and infertility of lands will cause civil wars, massacres and great migrations. Migrations will also trigger more wars. But what if measures are taken to reverse this situation?

However, a colony can be established that makes good use of desert conditions and is suitable for it. Strong supply lines are needed to feed this structure. Unmanned aerial vehicles can fix this problem. Moreover, colonists who settle in deserts or deserted areas in accordance with an advanced ecology program can make it suitable for life. Groundbreaking developments in agriculture and energy production will be experienced in these regions. This will be the step before Mars, of course.

But what about the locals? Will the colonists be chosen from them? Or will an external force settle in these areas? Even if the land is made fertile again, will the indigenous people be allowed to return to this area or will their lands be taken away? The answer to these and many other questions lies at the heart of the incentive that founded the colony. However, we can manage to exploit Earth's potential to its fullest by colonizing previously uninhabitable regions within our own planet.


People have established underground settlements both today and in history. In fact, one of these settlements is located in Turkey; Derinkuyu. This is just an example, if we go a little deeper, even a long article will be written about the underground settlements established in history and today. But it is possible to colonize the underground seriously. Because as cities grow in width, they also start to grow vertically. After a while this won't last. Thus, humanity will begin to search for a new settlement. This is how the underground suburbs will appear.

There may be various motivations for colonies to be established underground; a new form of agriculture to be built underground, new energy sectors, factories and various facilities to be built underground, or just suburbanization as I mentioned above; just below the city. Imagine a huge subway system going underground. It is such a system that each station is a separate town or city. I think it's possible. Make Space in the Future ! Make Space! If we come across a scenario like this, we have two options, one underground and the other sky. But it is not difficult to think about how these options can turn into a gap of inequality and exploitation.


The panorama created by gigantic skyscrapers takes its place in our imagination of the future. Humanity will sort of colonize the sky. But flying cities can also be built in the upper layers of the atmosphere. While this may sound a bit steampunk, it could become a reality in the future.

Maybe these flying cities will be built not on Earth, but on Venus. That's because although Venus' surface is hot enough to melt lead, its upper atmosphere is as warm as a sulphurous spring day. A zeppelin-colony-city hovering above the Venusian clouds can survey the Venusian atmosphere and find traces of life, if any.

Virtual Reality

Do colonies have to be located in real places? Personally, if they gave me a chance, I would neither go to Titan nor to Mars… I would become a Heavy Chavalry Archer in Age of Empires 2. I hope that the rapidly developing virtual reality technology will offer me this opportunity in the future. Playing Aoe2 in virtual reality must be a completely different feeling. But the work is not limited to this extent.

If the day comes when we transfer our minds to machines, that is, if there is a technological singularity, then the most extreme colony on the list will turn into 'reality'. Because after people complete their physical life, some may want their minds to live on computers. Thus, virtual colonies will be formed in cyber valleys consisting of immortals. And immortal colonies.


The moon is the closest celestial body to Earth. That alone is enough to make it a base for future space operations. When we examine it in depth, mining activities can also be carried out on the Moon. There are ice particles near the poles. Moreover, there may be an ocean hidden under the surface. The Moon has extremely intricate cave systems that were once the result of volcanic activity and collisions. These caves prepare a natural ground for the colonies to be established.

What about beyond?

 Colonists here can start producing resources by mining on the Moon and provide resources for rockets that will launch into deep space. In fact, agriculture can be done at the lunar poles. Because the Moon is so close to Earth, colonists won't feel lost in the solitude of deep space. But the situation is different for a colonist going to Mars, for example. Because when the Earth is so far away, it is no different from the other stars in the sky..

But let's not forget that the atmosphere of the Moon is in the form of a thin strip that is almost non-existent. So the temperature changes wildly. It is close to absolute zero at night, while during the day it exceeds one hundred degrees. Temperature isn't the only problem. The surface of the Moon is covered with dust that poisons people even in contact with it. These dusts can start to damage machinery, buildings in the colony. The gravity on the Moon is very low and moreover, it is constantly exposed to radiation. How logical is it to establish a colony for civilians in such a place?

Maybe before the century, the middle class can afford to travel to the moon. Maybe establishing a colony there will not be as costly as it is today, thanks to the developments in 3D printing technology. Still, that doesn't change the fact that the Moon has really harsh conditions. Once settled there, the colonists will have to deal with growing problems. Genetic damages, deteriorated skeletal systems, blood flow mishaps etc. Therefore, instead of a permanent colony, bases for moon miners, scientists or spacecraft can be established at first. In time, maybe the Moon will be 'terraformed'...

But still we make our colony assumption on the current bare Moon. Maybe the Moon's cave systems are bigger and wider than we thought, or things aren't quite as stable there as we thought.


With its thin atmosphere, low gravity, freezing cold, and huge deserts covering its entire surface, Mars does not yet have rich promises to humanity. But today there are many people who are obsessed with settling on Mars. There are also those who take this work forward. Elon Musk plans to take a million people to Mars in the next hundred years. For now, a trip to Mars would cost ten billion dollars per person. But Elon Musk plans to reduce this amount to two hundred thousand dollars.

As a matter of fact, if a colony is established on Mars one day in the future, it is clear that this colony will be a special incentive. Therefore, a complicated social and political situation will arise as these colonies will be accountable to companies and individuals rather than states. Moreover, the feeling of being far from home and confined to a poisonous alien planet can drive people wild or even more close to each other.

Materials to block radiation are needed to keep the colony on the Martian surface alive. These can be brought from Earth and turned into domed cities on the planet with 3D printers. But another less costly option is colonies to be built in the cave systems of Mars. Severe sandstorms occur on the surface of Mars. What will be the fate of a colony caught in the middle of these storms? For weeks, or even months, they have no contact with the outside, or rather the rest of the universe. When the storm subsided, we saw that there was no colony left. Or a Roanoke on Mars?

There is water on Mars, albeit in the form of ice. In fact, a salty lake was discovered under the surface of Mars in recent months. Perhaps these discoveries are just the beginning. Mars, especially below the surface of Mars, may be much more active than we think. We can examine this activity to a certain extent with remotely controlled robots. A group of people sent there will give the most productive result. Thus, steps are gradually taken to enable humanity to spread to another planet.


Mars must admit that it is an 'overrated' target for space colonization. The atmosphere of Mars is really very weak and will lose its atmosphere completely over time. But Titan is another story. It is true that Saturn is a satellite, located quite far from the Earth and the Sun. So it's freezing cold and there's little sunlight. A radioactive and mysterious land. But at least it has an atmosphere. It has fixed masses of liquid on its surface. Well, these may be hydrocarbon liquids, but at least there are lakes and seas on Titan. These can be used as fuel.

Agriculture can be carried out indoors. Since Titan's gravity is low, there will be no logistics problems between the colonies to be established. Moreover, Titan is not rocky like Mars. It's full of dunes. But it must be admitted that the surface of Titan is highly radioactive due to Saturn and incomparably colder than Mars. Moreover, compared to Mars, we know less about Titan. But a colony on Titan could give humanity more advantages than on Mars.

Ceres and the Asteroid Belt

There is an asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. Ceres is also a dwarf planet in this belt. Its surface is completely covered with ice. Beneath its surface is thought to be a giant ocean. Maybe not this century, but a permanent colony on Ceres is likely when asteroid mining begins in the next century. Perhaps different settlements will be established on Ceres under the conditions of that age.

When genetically modified humans descend below the surface of Ceres, who knows, maybe they'll stumble upon something magical. The human race will now metamorphose in the subsurface ocean of Ceres, in the mining colonies of the Asteroid Belt. While colonies used to be shaped according to human needs, now colonies will begin to shape people.