How to use social media for campaign promotions? - Hints Blogging

Social channels are  frequently used by companies for a long time to promote products, brands and campaigns. Since it is one of the most frequently used digital marketing methods for promotion today, social networks are an important tool to deliver the campaigns you organize or the opportunities you offer to different audiences. In addition to creating the right campaign strategies, doing these studies in the right channels will directly affect the results and feedback you will receive.

How to use social media for campaign promotions?

Determine your campaign goals

Before you start promotional activities on social media, you should determine your campaign goals. You can target a different conversion rate for each campaign. You should define the primary and then secondary priorities of each campaign. You can create your campaigns in line with different goals such as gaining followers, promoting your brand or product, driving traffic to your website, reaching new audiences, and focusing on product sales.

Determine the metrics you will measure

It is also important which metrics you will measure when promoting campaigns on social media. You need to measure different metrics for different goals. You can also see how your campaigns are performing by measuring different metrics such as campaign access numbers, interactions, website referral traffic, conversions, click rates, number of application downloads.

How to use social media for campaign promotions? - Hints Blogging

Prepare your visuals for the campaign

Social media are visually focused platforms, and therefore you should take advantage of the power of visuals to promote your campaigns. Just as you can prepare different visuals for different campaigns, you can also prepare different visuals for the promotion of a campaign. Providing diversity in images allows you to share the same campaign at different times or to different audiences. While you can show different products, you can also try to promote your campaign with various images that show the features of a single product.

Since making the right visual choices and designs is very important to attract the attention of users, you should also take care to work on interesting and eye-catching visuals in this process.

Take advantage of videos

Just as social channels are visual-oriented, video content has also become frequently used content formats on these platforms in recent years. Videos provide more interaction and reach compared to images, and also attract more attention from users. For this reason, using videos in your campaign promotions helps you significantly increase your reach and interactions.

Using short videos in your promotions will also be more effective for advertisements. You should not prepare very long content in your campaign videos. For this reason, you can promote your campaigns by preparing short videos between 15 seconds and 1 minute.

How to use social media for campaign promotions? - Hints Blogging

Take advantage of ads

Social channels offer different advertising models to brands. By using these advertising models in campaign promotions, you can have the chance to reach both existing and new audiences by promoting your products and opportunities. Since social media ads play an important role in increasing your conversions and brand awareness, taking advantage of these efforts will make it easier for you to promote your company. Since millions of users actively use these channels throughout the day, you should take advantage of social network ads for your campaign promotions.

Collaborate with influencer accounts

Social channels are very useful for collaborations with influencer accounts. For several years, companies have been able to promote your campaigns by collaborating with well-known people and accounts, especially on Instagram and YouTube.

How to use social media for campaign promotions? - Hints Blogging

Working with well-known people and accounts is especially important in delivering your campaigns to different target audiences. Influencers have their own target audiences, and reaching these audiences can also help you open new doors. You can direct these audiences to purchase with your campaign content, and you can also increase your brand awareness with these efforts.

Run raffles and contests

Organizing sweepstakes and contests on social media will also help you increase your interaction and conversions. Raffles and contests are very effective, especially for new companies, to gain followers and increase brand awareness.

Although giving away gifts and holding raffles are important to gain followers quickly, the interval of these raffles must be well adjusted. Holding constant giveaways may cause both brand and product value to decrease as users will get used to it. Therefore, holding these draws at certain periods and determining the intervals well will directly affect the feedback you will receive.