Supportive technologies that enable effective use of data play a major role in the exponential progress of Artificial Intelligence. After all, data is the raw material of Artificial Intelligence. However, Artificial Intelligence also necessitates the representation of problems in digital environment. This situation takes place in a chaotic universe; It causes discussions at the stage of representation of phenomena related to human, who is an analog entity in terms of thoughts and behaviors. This is actually the reason for the debates focused on consciousness, mind, creativity, conscience or ethics that have been going on since the first appearance of Artificial Intelligence. However, the scientific world frequently examines the potential for a different solution with the integration of digital and biological systems. In essence, the fictions we see in Cyborg (Cyborg) movies and mechanized creatures, from a cultural point of view, are Cyberpunk. It is also associated with the concept of (Cyberpunk / Cyber ​​Madness) . Developments on the Artificial Intelligence and human fronts therefore raise different questions: Is AI and biological integration leading us towards a utopian future or Cyberpunk? Is cyberpunk a phase to be feared? Where exactly can one take in these developments? Generating answers to these questions will help us understand our current position as humanity.

Cybernetics and Cyberpunk thinking

Life and the universe are in a complex order in terms of our human perspective. Our human perception level is very limited in terms of perceiving what is happening around us, making predictions about the future and managing environmental dynamics. For this reason, humanity has revealed the phenomenon of technology. Within this phenomenon, many different fields of research have been derived from the point of understanding the environmental elements and ultimately the relations of the human with the environment (and ultimately the self). Cybernetics is one of them. The word Cybernetics, first coined by André-Marie Ampère in 1834, has survived with Norbert Wiener's book of the same name (Ampère, 1834; cited in Esentürk, 2021; Wiener, 1948: reprint, 2019).

Cybernetics, which has an interdisciplinary scope from engineering fields to psychology, from biology to sociology, focuses on 'understanding, control and interaction of living things or artificial systems with humans' (Beer, 2002; Von Foerster, 2007). Human-controlled or autonomous vehicles have been developed thanks to Cybernetics, which, in terms of its focus and definition in this context, makes its effectiveness felt in mechanical, electro-mechanical and digital systems, respectively. Its interdisciplinary connections have enabled Cybernetics studies not only to remain in engineering designs, but also to constantly evolve philosophical considerations and human-tool interaction issues. Today, Cybernetics studies can provide the support of lost limbs in a human or living creature with electro-mechanical components or to obtain temporary night vision abilities with an eye drop (Andrei, 2015; Hochberg et al., 2012; Pierce, 2014). Again, solutions such as human-controlled exoskeleton (exo-skeleton) systems or regaining vision with the help of an implant and a camera are also examined as a subject of Cybernetics (Bhowmick, & Hazarika, 2017; Bolo et al., 2019; Deng et al., 2018; Rosen et al., 2001). As it can be understood, Cybernetics is deeply involved in a meaningful scope in the confusion of Engineering, Computer Science and Medicine and Biology.

Biological integration in Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence

Although the general working structure of Artificial Intelligence is based on some mechanisms, Artificial Intelligence solutions that push the boundaries and cause controversy are mostly related to Machine Learning and Deep Learning (For more information on this subject, see Newspaper Science: Creativity and Perception in 'Artificial Intelligence . Technology Danger Beyond'). In such solutions, which we can briefly call learning Artificial Intelligence, the problems are defined in the numerical plane. Of course, this situation is related to the basic working logic of human-made electronic and computer technologies and the acceptance of the digital world. However, when we accept man as a biological being as an analog system, we need to think beyond numerical definitions. Although this way of thinking contains mysteries, the integration of digital and analog systems, that is, machines and biological entities, has become a subject of interest in the scientific world. Although it is possible to interpret scientific research in this direction within the scope of interventions such as artificial pacemakers, artificial organs and medical implants, today's technological conditions also bring to mind the potential of Artificial Intelligence.

Although the research is still far from the formation of a total human-machine in practical terms by 2023, the brain, which is at the starting point of the scientific world, also points to a human potential whose abilities can be expanded with Artificial Intelligence supported thinking. Scientific research under the name of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI / Brain-Computer Interface) is looking for innovative solutions that wink at this potential (Kawala-Sterniuk et al., 2021). A solution that does not fall off the agenda related to these researches is tried to be provided with Neuralink under the leadership of Elon Musk. Neuralink, which has recently received the approval of experiments on humans, has been used to treat neurological disorders (Dementia, Alzheimer's…etc.). ) and even as a tool that aims to solve nervous system / spinal cord problems by taking advantage of the power of Artificial Intelligence (Armstrong, & Michael, 2020; Kulshreshth et al., 2019; cited in Snider, 2023). Such a use of Neuralink, of course, promises very exciting developments as mechanisms to increase human abilities or to acquire non-existent ones are possible. These human-Artificial Intelligence integration tools, which will be created under the leadership of Neuralink and many other similar solutions, bring to mind the thought of Cyberpunk. Such a use of Neuralink, of course, promises very exciting developments as mechanisms to increase human abilities or to acquire non-existent ones are possible. These human-Artificial Intelligence integration tools, which will be created under the leadership of Neuralink and many other similar solutions, bring to mind the thought of Cyberpunk. Such a use of Neuralink, of course, promises very exciting developments as mechanisms to increase human abilities or to acquire non-existent ones are possible. These human-Artificial Intelligence integration tools, which will be created under the leadership of Neuralink and many other similar solutions, bring to mind the thought of Cyberpunk.

The potential of AI for cyberpunk

As a cultural and philosophical perspective, Cyberpunk (Cyberpunk / Cyber-Madness) is dominated by technology in the future and humanity tries to survive in relatively low life conditions despite technology; depicts a dystopian world, and is considered a science fiction sub-genre due to this structure (Ivey, 2023; Phipps, 2020). William Gibson, whose books have been turned into movies, is known as the father of this genre (Cavallaro, 2020). Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick, who is also one of the important writers of the genre? also inspired the film series Bladerunner, which attracted great attention (Flemming et al., 2019; Sammon et al., 1996). To summarize briefly, mechanized people, high technology, It is possible to state that the works in which neon lights and a dystopian atmosphere prevail in dark environments are based on the Siperpunk genre. The fact that the concept of cyberpunk is science fiction should not mislead us. Because, just as humanoid robotic systems expressed in science fiction works are turning into reality step by step in today's technological conditions, a Cyberpunk future will be able to turn into reality as a result of the combination of biological beings and Artificial Intelligence. Because the digital-analog system combination that makes possible the intervention to the brain and the Artificial Intelligence-based algorithmic processes that will direct these interventions to the goal literally defines Cyberpunk. However, it is frequently seen in Cyberpunk culture; Chemical processes that bridge the biological systems in the intervention phase of digital systems, perhaps as a way to ensure human-machine interaction; Much more can be explored in the future. Therefore, based on all the explanations, more observed in the 2020s; The possibilities that arise with gear ups and tools like Neuralink in Artificial Intelligence are slowly making Cyberpunk a reality before our eyes. The question to be asked here is whether the cyberpunk future will lead to a better future for humanity rather than the dystopian thinking that is a tool for science fiction… More observed in the 2020s; The possibilities that arise with gear ups and tools like Neuralink in Artificial Intelligence are slowly making Cyberpunk a reality before our eyes. 

A cyberpunk future: good or bad?

A future dominated by technology often scares people. Because as a known fact; Although human is a social being, he interacts with other living things and the world around him. Since these interactional processes are in the natural flow of life, there is a risk of human-made artificial components interrupting the natural interaction.

As a paradoxical situation, human beings, who continue to exist in the natural environment, cannot create this natural interaction in their own field with the technology they produce. Because ultimately, human beings tend to be practical and comfortable in chaotic life. Mankind, who had more physical effort with the instinct of survival in the past, has reduced the level of physical struggle thanks to his Intelligence, which he used as a means of superiority over other living things, and the technology phenomenon he invented. Technologies that can imitate themselves, such as Artificial Intelligence, also motivate people to transition from real life to virtual life. This contradictory situation in terms of human nature blends the future dominated by technology with more dystopian perspectives. Although cyperpunk is the result of such a perspective, it progresses mostly thanks to the cultural and philosophical dynamics of science fiction. Ultimately, a pessimistic picture is more likely when considering a future design specific to Cyberpunk, but this situation is in a different lane; In terms of advantages and disadvantages, we can interpret it as follows:

  • Technological elements beyond human perception will result in a future that controls people and directs their lives. However, if this situation is balanced 'on time' with human-compatible technologies at a similar level, the sustainability of human life conditions will be ensured.
  • People will have to exist in a life where their free will is restricted by biological and digital (Artificial Intelligence supported) components. However, considering cybernetics, it is also possible to design actions that will create added value by increasing human abilities.
  • Cyberpunk is a future where the world's natural resources are being depleted. However, if appropriate actions are taken, this level of 'crazy' will enable sustainable conditions to be created faster, perhaps climate change, diseases…etc. It will bring along a Cyberpunk era where mass / global problems such as
  • Thanks to cyberpunk, people who go beyond their known limits will be able to face different side effects. However, this situation is related to the pessimistic future in the focus of Cyberpunk; Within the scope of cyberpunk, high technology may be able to prevent diseases and medical disorders.

These predictions seem to carry the concept of Cyberpunk to an optimistic level. However, the effective use of human responsibility will be able to bring the future of Cyberpunk to a level with utopian balances rather than dystopian thinking. This approach is like the perception of hacking, which can be expressed as designing alternative and rational solutions to known problem solutions, as a negative concept over time. In essence, the concept of hacking is a neutral concept, but definitions such as cyber hacking and ethical hacking represent two opposite approaches. A future in the context of cyberpunk may also host alternative sub-definitions with different perspectives in this way.

New human being led by Artificial Intelligence

A future with cyberpunk will have produced a new human as a result of the combination of human and machine. This new human will ultimately be shaped under the leadership of Artificial Intelligence. This point of view, which can be perceived as a kind of science fiction today, may be a reality of the future. The new human that will emerge will be able to correspond to a human-machine mixed entity rather than a biological entity. The issue that remains unclear in this regard is whether the dominance of consciousness and mind can continue in human nature. Of course, this situation contradicts the perspectives that accept the phenomenon of soul. However, especially Artificial Intelligence researches can also change their perspectives on what is known. For example, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, which is known for developing tools such as Dall-E and ChatGPT, which has been taking by storm in recent years, said: He states that as a result of his Artificial Intelligence researches, Intelligence, which he thought to be a magic phenomenon attributed to human beings, actually changed his mind that it was a reality related to matter (as cited in D'Cruze, 2023). Scientific research shows that the human mind and consciousness can be manipulated, and as the mysteries of the human brain are unraveled, not only medical but also psychological, sociological and anthropological discoveries take place.

As a result, the following predictions can be derived regarding the new human being born under the leadership of Artificial Intelligence: As the mysteries of the human brain are unraveled, not only medical but also psychological, sociological and anthropological discoveries take place. As a result, the following predictions can be derived regarding the new human being born under the leadership of Artificial Intelligence: As the mysteries of the human brain are unraveled, not only medical but also psychological, sociological and anthropological discoveries take place. As a result, the following predictions can be derived regarding the new human being born under the leadership of Artificial Intelligence:

  • The new human will have the ability to store information and reason quickly beyond the confines of the brain.
  • Thanks to the new human supporting numerical components, it will be possible to sustain life for a longer period of time.
  • In other words, human life in the digital (virtual) environment will be intertwined with real life, and reality will be accepted in the interaction of the physical world and imaginations.
  • For new people, acquiring knowledge or skills will only be linked to some data processing and storage processes.
  • For new people, abstract facts such as morality, conscience and emotions will be accepted in much different ways than what is known today. Perhaps morality or conscientious decisions will become unacceptable to the society(!).
  • Cyberpunk societies that new people will create will have much different norms, habits and cultural formations. Social interaction will be replaced by virtual connections and collaborative relationships on the virtual plane.
  • The new person will have much less to do with any professional pursuit. The new man will become an entity that produces data and trades what he receives for his daily activities in return for the data he produces.
  • In the era of cyberpunk, it will be possible for humans to coordinate and control machines. Machines will be reborn as biotechnological systems, just like humans.
  • A future in the context of cyberpunk will be one that values ​​engineering and manipulation skills rather than intellectuality.   

In the previous chapters, for the Cyberpunk age; Thoughts including optimism reveal a more pessimistic picture for the new person this time. However, as a result of human initiative, the new human being's having these characteristics will be an inevitable result, but it will be a beneficial outcome for the existence of humanity. As a result, this future transformation of humanity, which has changed and transformed over the ages, will also be beneficial for humanity, who knows? Perhaps Cyberpunk will offer a technology-driven yet free environment for the new human being, free from economic pressures rather than low living conditions. The shaping of the future, despite all the debates, is connected with human responsibility and actions, a true Siperpunk is far beyond the current science fiction perspectives; contains realistic assumptions.

In conclusion

Collaboration is at the heart of life. Even the cooperation that occurs directly or indirectly within the ecosystem is a necessary condition for life on earth. Similarly, it seems inevitable that man-made technologies and Artificial Intelligence will merge with fundamental biological dynamicsIn particular, it is thought that the deficiency of Artificial Intelligence technology, which has the potential to replace human beings, against the analog realities of life can be solved by analog systems. In short, the possible cooperation with the integration of Artificial Intelligence and biological elements will play a major role in the realization of the future of Cyberpunk. Although we think that the concept of cyberpunk can be understood more from science fiction perspectives, hypotheses such as the Technological Singularity provide support for the infrastructure with scientific and technical perspectives.