Administrative processes related to the earthquake, which our citizens see as the biggest ongoing problem, will be planned and coordinated by the central authority, not by AFAD. AFAD will continue to serve as a stakeholder of the process. After the earthquakes in recent years, we will determine the successful and incomplete processes of AFAD, and strengthen the earthquake emergency response teams.

By re-establishing the State Planning Organization, we will ensure that the urban transformation is planned by the central authority according to the unique reality, sociology, living culture and necessities of each province. We will not compromise on urban transformation in a way that preserves the identities of cities. Under the coordination of the State Planning Organization to be re-established, we will harmonize the objectives of economic development with the urban transformation processes and incentives in at least one of the agriculture, livestock and industry branches of each province. We will expand the scope of incentives to encourage Urban Transformation. 

In order to ensure an urban transformation that prioritizes fair and equitable distribution rather than rent, we will make regulations regarding local administrations, primarily the Metropolitan Municipality Law No. 5216 and the Municipal Law No. 5393, as well as the Laws on Special Provincial Administration No. 5302 and Provincial Administration Law No. 5442. The requirements of the Law No. 6306 on Transformation of Areas Under Disaster Risk, which entered into force in 2012, have not been fulfilled. Laws and regulations that will provide urban transformation, especially risky building determinations, will be updated and implemented in a strict discipline. urban transformation; earthquake, flood, In order to be prepared for natural disasters and disasters such as landslides and forest fires, we will update the construction legislation according to the latest developments in science and ensure that urban transformation is carried out within the framework of this new legislation. We will introduce regulations based on fair and equitable sharing, preventing disputes between property owners, local governments and private entrepreneurs regarding urban transformation.

With the amendments to be made in the laws, we will clarify the responsibilities of public officials and private entrepreneurs involved in urban transformation processes and the procedures and principles of trial and penal conditions in case of possible abuses related to these responsibilities.

We will make earthquake hazard analyzes and earthquake maps continuous, provide research funds to universities on these issues, and encourage universities and industrial organizations to enter into R&D collaborations.

We will produce solutions through capital markets for the financing of urban transformation. By issuing securities such as Lease Certificates and Real Estate Certificates, we will ensure the transfer of investors' funds to urban renewal and eliminate the financial resource problem to a large extent.

By designing an effective “Land Management System”, we will ensure that the lands under the responsibility of various institutions are monitored from a single center. In urban transformation, parcel-based transformations will be abandoned as much as possible, and transformation projects will be prepared and implemented on an island basis, including city centers.

The areas and structures determined to be risky by the technical committees will be immediately transformed by the local administrations, and they will be subjected to urban transformation in stages. We will give priority to transformation in cities where scientists and experts say they are at high risk, especially in earthquakes, floods and forest fires. However, as seen with the recent earthquakes, due to the discovery of new fault lines that are not on the earthquake maps, we will start urban transformation simultaneously in all our cities.

Simultaneously with the urban transformation, we will also ensure the infrastructure transformation of the cities. In particular, we will carry out renovation and improvement works related to infrastructure investments related to drinking water, telecommunication, sewerage, traffic and parking.

We will focus on the protection of natural life and the construction of livable cities. As a superstructure, we will make it a priority to provide more green space for the people living in the city. We will ensure that cities are structured in a way that does not cause destruction in natural areas, historical sites and agricultural lands.

We will also give priority to the transformation of strategically important production and industrial facilities located in risky areas in urban transformation. By making arrangements to ensure that industrial facilities are clustered together, we will ensure that joint production networks are expanded, and that cleaner and more livable cities will be inherited to our future generations.

Urban transformation will be carried out by respecting science and following the path shown by science. It is essential that private entrepreneurs focusing on urban transformation undergo urban transformation training. In addition, we will ensure that private entrepreneurs are encouraged to support financial support packages, limited to urban transformation projects. We will prepare public service ads in order to increase the level of knowledge and awareness about the importance of urban transformation, and we will also organize education programs in schools in order to raise our new generations consciously. By creating earthquake museums, we will increase the level of knowledge and awareness about the importance of urban transformation and responsible construction.

We will ensure that the urban transformation is carried out in a way that does not affect family integrity, extended family life and existing neighborhoods. An urban transformation that separates our citizens from their families and neighbors and forces them to migrate is never acceptable. For this purpose, we will support the continuation of the existing extended family life and neighborhood culture by providing financial support at attractive terms to the owners.

Considering the success of TOKÄ° in the recent earthquakes, we will ensure that it produces housing not only for low-income groups, but also for middle and upper income groups. For this purpose, we will ensure that TOKÄ° carries out joint projects with local governments and private initiatives, and that they act as manager and supervisory authority in these projects.

The fact that TOKÄ° houses are built on public lands in remote areas of the cities, where settlement is relatively low, may cause local and central political actors who are aware of these projects to act early and buy the land and lands in this vicinity when they are cheap. Thus, land rents in these areas, which have become centers of attraction with the construction of houses, are transferred to political actors rather than citizens. In order to prevent this, our citizens who are unaware of TOKÄ° projects in the area where the project will be carried out will be informed before the sale at the Land Registry Offices. In addition, the public will be informed with the drawing of the projects. Thus, unfair rent and unilateral enrichment will be prevented.


In Refah's rule, we will ensure that the Republic of Turkey will be a great deterrent both in its region and in the world, will ensure development, progress, sustainable production and employment in the defense industry, and increase the current defense industry technology investments with a high acceleration.

By providing significant support to the development of our national and domestic defense industry, we will become integrated and dependent on NATO and produce alternatives to our weapons and defense systems. We will definitely expand our national and domestic defense industry investments and productions with joint protocols with D-8 Countries and Turkic Republics, expand the defense industry export market, share production information and reduce production costs thanks to the partnerships established.

With the new investments we will make and the new partnerships we will establish with the D-8 Countries and Turkic Republics, we will increase our defense industry exports to the world market in 2028 to the level of 30 billion dollars.  

We will increase the investments made in each of the land, air, naval weapons and defense systems such as the National Combat Aircraft, UAV, SÄ°HA, National Combat Unmanned Aircraft, and Unmanned Sea Vehicle ULAQ, and will support and develop our defense industry with the target of reaching 100% locality and nationality.

We will strengthen our defense by making new fields and investments in our national and domestic defense industry against the elements of Biological Terrorism and Cyber ​​Terrorism, which are the most dangerous types of terrorism of our age. We will accelerate the work on space, which will be the new address of humanity, and strengthen this area with new investments and incentives.


In order to accelerate growth, our economic policies focused on intense foreign borrowing in order to provide the necessary capital quickly, and the use of foreign capital to non-export sectors that do not earn foreign currency, and especially to infrastructure investments, deteriorated the balance of payments and a growth model that produced a current account deficit. Thus, the high interest and low exchange rate policy, which was initially preferred, turned into a necessity and put the economy under heavy debt and debt interest services.

Instead of investment expenditures that require long-term strategic planning and programming and have a relatively long-term return, consumption expenditures, which are formed by the increase in short-term demands and have an immediate effect, were encouraged and openly encouraged. Therefore, an economic structure that produces unqualified labor has emerged, not products with high added value and qualified labor that can make these products. Most of the relatively insufficient investment expenditures are channeled into housing, new construction and infrastructure investments. Therefore, the necessary importance was not given to production, qualified employment, technology and efficiency, and steps could not be taken to bring the production capacity of the Turkish economy closer to the level of developed countries.Losing qualified workforce, moving away from the pursuit of technology development and efficiency, the production structure has been relatively disconnected from investment and intermediate goods production, and being able to create global competitiveness has been reduced to cheap labor and high exchange rate policy, and these policies have turned into a necessity in the last ten years. This approach brought with it absolute poverty and started to be felt in all segments of the society.

As the Welfare Party, we say; We have put forward the general view and cannot support Turkey's development moves;

·        Employment Policies,

·        Wage Policies,

·        Borrowing Policies,

·        Monetary Policies and

·        Development Policies

We will change and build a solid economy. We will make the principle of "human first" dominate in its full sense. We will focus on establishing an economic system that will serve the dignity, honor and welfare of our people, not the human resources and workforce management put at the service of the economic system, whose priority is capital.

We will build a new economy that puts people at the center, not the system, that focuses only on production on the axis of rights and justice, does not enslave the state and the nation into debt, can invest, produce and export with its own resources, and will ensure sustainable economic growth by generating employment. Thus, we will move to a welfare society where the needs of all our citizens can be met easily, abundantly, cheaply and with high quality within a stable, strong and non-foreign-dependent economic structure.

In the power of Refah again,

• Everyone will have a respectable job where they work willingly, everyone will have a decent wage, and everyone will receive the full reward of their labor.

• The Turkish economy will function in a planned and programmed manner, will grow by producing without borrowing, and will be enriched by high technology exports.

Under the Welfare Party's rule, the state will take an active role in the functioning of the economy, not for the benefit of a privileged few, but so that all citizens can find jobs and participate in production. Our only priority will be to bring the Turkish economy to a position where we can create a respectable job opportunity for every member of our beloved nation. Full employment policy forms the basis of our economic policies. In this direction, economic policies will be planned and put into practice simultaneously and jointly in a way that will be in harmony with education, science and technology, industry and trade policies. With the help of science committees to be established, we will make the most appropriate plans for science, reason and most importantly for Turkey's conditions.

We will only encourage work and employment, and we will take steps to prevent unemployment. We will employ our current workforce potential in the most efficient way to increase our production capacity and we will make investments to develop our workforce with an entrepreneurial spirit.


We will develop and shape social policies and services within the framework of social needs, as family policy arises from the need to preserve, strengthen and support the family institution in social, legal and economic terms.

We will take economic measures that will provide regular income opportunities to meet the needs of the family. With the financial development move to be carried out, we will eliminate indebtedness, unemployment and all kinds of economic problems that threaten the continuity of the family institution. We will support, encourage and financially encourage the establishment of the institution of marriage in the healthiest way possible.

We will provide free cultural, educational and counseling services that will develop and strengthen the family. We will develop free education programs in certain periods in order to raise our future generations as individuals who are both physiologically and psychologically healthy, moral, possessing national and spiritual values, and beneficial to humanity. We will ensure that arrangements are made in the education legislation in order to ensure love, harmony and reconciliation among family members.

In order to protect and strengthen the family institution, which is of vital importance for the future of our country and nation, we will take the necessary measures to prevent all kinds of destructive material and moral effects that threaten the family structure. We will take the necessary measures to purify the media from broadcasts that will have negative effects on family structure and marriage.

We will make the necessary legal arrangements to eliminate the attitudes towards the abuse of women and children, caused by cultural imperialism, in many areas such as business life, education life, especially the media. We will highlight positive family-individual role models in media, artistic, cultural and social activities. Through female role models, morality, chastity, compassion, self-sacrifice, compassion, nobility,

In order for our country to achieve the ideal of 'A Greater Turkey Again', we will take the necessary steps to encourage women to take an active role in politics and decision-making mechanisms for this great ideal and to reach this awareness. We will establish the "Family and Women's Protection Organization" within the Ministry of Family and Social Services, as a stage of the organization to be established for the empowerment of the family and women within the D-8 and D-60 organizations in order to be a model for the solution of the problems related to women and family not only in our country, but all over the world. 

It will analyze the needs and expectations of our women, as well as their financial and moral problems, as revealed by public opinion polls, taking into account the regional factors, and establish the necessary cooperation environment with positive women's organizations, non-governmental organizations and academics in Turkey and the world in order to produce solutions in all these areas and to make the necessary legal arrangements. we will create.

We will produce solutions to the local problems of Turkish society regarding women and families, instead of imported solutions based on the west, without ignoring the existence of direct local elements and potential, and with an understanding that is suitable for our culture. We will include the family "Dispute Arbitration System" in our cultural norms, which has the potential to make significant contributions to the continuation of family unity, into the existing mediation system, which aims to conclude the divorce process in the fastest and most trouble-free manner.

In order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of our women, and to prevent violence, harassment and all kinds of abuse against women, we will replace the elements of the existing legislation that threaten the integrity of the family institution with the necessary legal regulations based on morality, justice and science. We will take the necessary measures to eliminate the conditions that cause violence against women and to create a society with a high sense of morality, morality and justice. We will ensure that criminal sanctions related to violence against women are aggravated, provided that they are based on legal evidence.

We will take all necessary steps to raise the education level of our women. We will provide incentives such as interest-free loans and tax reductions to our women who want to start their own business, participate in production and especially establish women's agricultural and service cooperatives.

We will take the necessary steps to provide our divorced women with unemployment insurance if they are unemployed and create job opportunities if they want to work, and thus we will remove the indefinite alimony debt from the man. By operating the state mechanism for our divorced women whose alimony period has expired but who are still in need, we will prevent our divorced women from experiencing financial victimization. We will ensure that our women who are divorced, unemployed and whose alimony period has expired can continue their lives without experiencing financial difficulties by providing job opportunities if they are able to work, and by providing financial support if they are unable to work.

It will alleviate the financial burden of divorced men who have re-established a family with another woman by making their alimony payments to their ex-wives time-limited, enable them to maintain their newly established family without financial difficulties, prevent women and children in the newly established family from experiencing financial difficulties. we will pass. We will regulate the alimony obligations of the man for the children of his divorced wife "until the employment of boys and girls, with a maximum age of 25,". 

In the Refah government, we will look after our homeless and homeless citizens. We will establish “Hot Home Centers” for our citizens who are in financial difficulties, in need of care and orphans, and we will provide accommodation, food, cleaning and health services free of charge in these centers. We will be the implementer and supervisor of access to more qualified and more self-sacrificing social services for all our citizens, regardless of whether they are children, young, old, women or men, who are orphaned or in need.

We will make salaries not less than the poverty line for those who want to provide care support to unaccompanied children and the elderly. We will ensure that all kinds of abuse are prevented by constantly monitoring the needy who receive care support through the Follow-up and Inspection Board that we will establish within the Ministry.