Facebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints Blogging

You will become intermediate level with zero Facebook advertising trainingSo no matter what stage you are at, I will take you to a full-fledged specialist by the end of today's article. After understanding Facebook advertising training, it is important to find the right advertisement on Facebook to determine your strategy .

Why Advertise on Facebook?

Here's what we'll cover. Why advertise on Facebook? Basically all the assets you'll need to start advertising. How to set up your Facebook page, how to set up your business manager, how to create your first campaign, how to define your budget, how to evaluate results, and how to optimize your campaigns.

So why advertise on Facebook? Well, it's pretty simple. We have 1.93 billion daily active users. We have a total advertising revenue of 28 billion every year. And you'll find that you'll spend about a dollar per click and $11.54 in CPM. Now if you don't know what cpm means, don't worry. Stay in this video and I'll show you exactly why. Now. Why am I advertising on Facebook? This is a great question. And to answer that you need to look at my two parent companies. So we don't actually do much in this business. About 95% of our business is organic, but we still do some advertising in the business to bring in new customers. 

And to talk about the way we get most of our clients at my agency these days, other than referrals, is when you've been doing something for five and a half years, I said you've created a long track record of ads. That's why advertising is the way to bring in new customers who don't know us. So we actually advertise to get customers and then we advertise for our customers. So yeah, so a little bit about me personally advertising on Facebook.Anyway, let's move on. Here are some benefits of Facebook advertising training. First of all, sell more. Is it ok? You can advertise your product or service and send people to your website to buy it. You can generate leads, okay? So, you can use Facebook ad training to collect names, emails, phone numbers, and more directly from the customers you target. You can also use Facebook ad training to distribute content. Facebook and Instagram are also ideal places to distribute the content you create and maximize your reach. You can also use it for app installs, okay? You can advertise the app on Facebook and Instagram and therefore generate more downloads. So there are a few different value propositions. First thing first is to test. Is it ok? 

Facebook is the perfect virtual space to mass test your offering. Whether you have the budget or venture capital backing up your business, you can get results in as little as a day and verify whether this product really works and whether the market wants your product. The next thing is to target Facebook, the ad network with the most information about its users. This allows us, as advertisers, to micro-segment our target and reach exactly our ideal customers. Not only that, but their machine intelligence works so well that most of the time, they don't even have to use targeting because they already know exactly the type of users who are most likely to respond to your ads. you are not. Then we have tbm. Now the real beauty on Facebook, The reason is that they only charge you when you get a click, and although this isn't very common, you can get clicks for as little as $0.01. The average cost per click we see is between $0.30 and $2, depending on your market and country. And the last thing is predictability. On Facebook, when you dial up your funnel and offer, you can consistently put in $1 and make two, three, five, hell, even $10 with predictability. As they say, the most reliable and consistent way to create wealth is to turn advertising into profit. So, let's talk about the assets you'll need to actually start advertising. First of all, it starts with the business manager. Now, a business manager is the container that holds all your business assets. You can get clicks for as little as $01. The average cost per click we see is between $0.30 and $2, depending on your market and country. And the last thing is predictability. On Facebook, when you dial up your funnel and offer, you can consistently put in $1 and make two, three, five, hell, even $10 with predictability. As they say, the most reliable and consistent way to create wealth is to turn advertising into profit. So, let's talk about the assets you'll need to actually start advertising. First of all, it starts with the business manager. 

Facebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints Blogging

Now, a business manager is the container that holds all your business assets. You can get clicks for as little as $01. The average cost per click we see is between $0.30 and $2, depending on your market and country. And the last thing is predictability. On Facebook, when you dial up your funnel and offer, you can consistently put in $1 and make two, three, five, hell, even $10 with predictability. As they say, the most reliable and consistent way to create wealth is to turn advertising into profit. So, let's talk about the assets you'll need to actually start advertisingFirst of all, it starts with the business manager. Now, a business manager is the container that holds all your business assets. It costs between $30 and $2. And the last thing is predictability. On Facebook, when you dial up your funnel and offer, you can consistently put in $1 and make two, three, five, hell, even $10 with predictability. As they say, the most reliable and consistent way to create wealth is to turn advertising into profit. So, let's talk about the assets you'll need to actually start advertising. First of all, it starts with the business manager. Now, a business manager is the container that holds all your business assets. It costs between $30 and $2. And the last thing is predictability. On Facebook, when you dial up your funnel and offer, you can consistently put in $1 and make two, three, five, hell, even $10 with predictability. As they say, the most reliable and consistent way to create wealth is to turn advertising into profit. So, let's talk about the assets you'll need to actually start advertising. 

First of all, it starts with the business manager. Now, a business manager is the container that holds all your business assets. is to turn advertising into profit. So, let's talk about the assets you'll need to actually start advertising. First of all, it starts with the business manager. Now, a business manager is the container that holds all your business assets. is to turn advertising into profit. So, let's talk about the assets you'll need to actually start advertising. First of all, it starts with the business manager. Now, a business manager is the container that holds all your business assets.

Assets Needed for Facebook Advertising

So ad accounts, pages, pixels, and payment methods will live inside your business manager. Now, we have ad accounts under your business manager, right? So you're going to have one business manager, and you might have five in your business manager. Ad accounts. You create all your campaigns here. As I said, you can have multiple ad accounts per business manager. Then we have your page. So the Facebook page is where your ads will actually run. Then we move on, we have your domain name. Facebook now requires you to verify ownership of your domain before adding to your drive. It moves on pixels. 

Now Pixel is a piece of code that you put on your website which will track all visitor actions for you, so you can actually track what kind of results your ads are producing. And then we have our payment method. Simple enough. Now if you have already set up all the assets, you can proceed to the timestamp below for step by step campaign creation. What you need to know before starting Facebook adsLearn the secrets of Facebook advertising in advance.

Creating a Facebook Page

So let's talk about creating a Facebook page. Now, I will leave the link in the page creation description and the guide made by Facebook on how to create it. The key here is to use real brand information along with giving Facebook as much information about your business as possible. Because this way you create more trust with them and let them know that you are real and mean business. And that will really help you because as you know, Facebook doesn't take much these days to decide to disable your ad account.

So the more you virtue signal Facebook, the better. Now, it is very, very common for your ad account to be disabled and there is always a fallback from that. It's just part of the game these days.So if you've ever had an ad account that's been closed or don't worry at all, between us and all of our customers, I don't even want hundreds and hundreds of ad accounts to be closed, potentially thousands at this point, right? Advertising is rarer. I guess it also depends on what industry you're in. We work in e-commerce and education companies for the sector. Not getting your ad account closed is almost rarer than having your account closed. So never worry your stress if your ad account goes down. 

Now, let's talk step by step on how to create your page. First of all, you will go to this link to sign up. You'll choose the type of page you want to create, whether it's a business brand or community figurehead, where you'll enter your business information for the category. Type a word or two that describes your business and Facebook will suggest some options. Add profile and cover images. Create your page's username. Then add your business information. So things like description, contact, location, hours, website I have a bonus tip for you. Make sure you have at least 20 posts on your page before running an ad. This way Facebook sees it as a real Page, and we recommend posting at least three times a day for the first seven days, and then you can reduce that frequency to once a day. Now Business Manager is a tool designed to be your primary hub on Facebook for managing all your pages, ad accounts, domains, and other assets.

Facebook Business Account Setup

Once again, make sure you use as much factual information as possible here. They said the connection looked like this. So you will click on Create Account and fill in the information with your actual business data.Make sure you also use a work email address. So no in Gmail. The less reason you give him to look at Facebook and something seems a little odd there, the better. Is it ok? So try to use a work email if possible. Then confirm the creation of your business Manager by clicking the link in the email. Once again, here's a little bonus tip. Make sure you go through the business verification process as soon as it becomes available in your business manager. This will verify that your business is a genuine registered business and add another layer of additional security to your business Manager. An important step when it comes to avoiding bans. Now, as we continue to create your Ad Account, as mentioned your ad account is the container that will house all your ad campaigns. It is a living entity inside your business manager. Now, go to Business Settings inside your Business Manager to create your ad account. Click Add account. Click Add and create new.

Now, name the account whatever you want. This is for internal purposes only. And choose your time zone and currency. Now make sure your time zone corresponds to your currency. So US time zones must use the US dollar as their currency, for example. Otherwise, you'll run into problems trying to serve ads. Your ads will not run and you will need to create a new account. Here's a little bonus tip for you. Initially, you will only be allowed to create one ad account per business manager. As soon as Facebook charges your card for the first time. This limit increases to three ad accounts per business manager, and I highly recommend creating all three as soon as you have contingencies, mainly to have backup options. Now, linking your page, okay, We need to connect the page you created to your business manager so you can run ads on it. 

Facebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints Blogging

So go to business settings inside your business manager, click on pages, then click on add and add a page. Then search for your page here and select it. Since you are already the administrator of your own page, you will not need any further confirmation. And that's pretty much what it sounds like. We move on to the payment method. Ok, now we need to add a payment method to your ad account so Facebook can charge you. And this is basically what the payment method page looks like. This will go to your business settings inside your business manager. Just go to the payment methods tab and add your card. You can also connect a PayPal account or bank account directly. Just a little side note, I strongly do not recommend PayPal. For some reason, the ad seems to make it more likely that your account will be closed. I do not know the reason. Facebook doesn't seem to like this. The other thing is, either your client, if you have an agency or personally, if your card keeps getting declined, once again facebook really doesn't like that and that could lead to the ad account being closed.

So if a customer has an issue like that, for example, we've had customers where they have amex and the charge always goes through, it's never, ever an issue with them. And with them, it's okay. They can increase their Amex points, everything is fine. But sometimes they may have another credit card provider and they constantly block or reject payments. As I said, this can really cause a big problem when it comes to advertising. So with these customers, regardless of their score, I know they don't understand this or that thing, but at least their ads aren't constantly paused, which is basically what happens when facebook can't render the card on file. They don't have to charge the card because then there's never a drop that way. Now, another little bonus tip, and to be honest, I hinted at this in the last section. But make sure you never use your card on your customers account. Click Add new domain. Select the DNS Verification option and copy the provided code. Now log in to your domain registrar and visit the DNS Settings page. Add a new DNS record of type txt. If necessary, enter the at Symbol in the hostname field. You can then paste the verification txt record provided in Business Manager into the Content area, then return to Business Manager and click Verify. Now, this process will be slightly different for each person depending on the domain registrar used, but it should be pretty similar to what's shown here. Ok, if you have any problems during this process, try Googling. How to add txt DNS record. And then whoever your domain name registrant is. Is it true? 

Creating Your Facebook Pixel Now, before we start creating our advertising campaigns, the only thing missing is creating and installing our Facebook Pixel.A pixel is a small piece of code that you put on all the pages of your website. It acts as an informant for Facebook by providing information about what actions users on your website have taken. This is how Facebook can track how many clicks your ads received, how many conversions they generated, purchases, leads, views or other actions like adding items to cart or initiating checkout, and how much revenue was actually generated from those conversions. 

Now, to do this, go to Events Manager. Inside your business manager, click Connect Data Sources and select Web. Select Facebook Pixel and then click Connect. Add your pixel name, enter your website URL to check easy setup options, and then click Continue. Now, in terms of actually installing the Facebook Pixel, There are two main ways to install the pixel on your website. One trick is to paste its code directly into the header of all your pages. So Facebook Pixel takes care of tracking everything for you, or the latter connects it through the new Facebook Conversions API. This way, you collect data directly on your site and then feed that data back to Facebook through their API. So what I encourage you to do, since I can't make seven little micro videos for each of these website builders, what I encourage you to do is actually just Google how to install Facebook, Pixel, and then whatever the website builder is called, you'll definitely find it . Everything you need with this. Now we're actually getting into the more exciting stuff, which is actually creating campaigns. Now, before you do this,

Creating a Facebook Ad Campaign

First of all, you need to understand how to open a Facebook advertising account. A campaign is now our top-level layer where we choose our primary advertising target. Now, this could be conversions, post-engagement, lead generation, video views, or traffic, among other things. Now, most of the time we will optimize for conversions.Now, the ad set is the second layer within a campaign. Now, a campaign can have one or multiple ad sets. The ad set is where we choose our targeting bids, layout, and budget. Okay, so what I would say is if instead of optimizing the budget at the campaign level, we're doing ad set budget optimization. Now, the third layer is advertising. 

Facebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints BloggingFacebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints Blogging

Now an ad set can have one ad or multiple ads. The real advertisement you see on your Facebook and Instagram pages is now an advertisement. It holds the ad's copy, headline, image or video, and URL destination. So this is actually what the business manager looks like in it. At the top you see three levels from left to right. Now, in terms of creating a campaign, first choose your goal. Now, Is it really a matter of asking yourself what you want as a result of the campaign? Hint? Website visitors? Do you shop from your stores? Visitors to a physical store? Landscape? The answer to this question will determine your campaign. To keep things organized and avoid having to deal with the optimization of each campaign itself, we usually create one campaign per bid. We also like to designate campaigns just for testing and one campaign just for research. Now, we typically create one campaign to test audiences, one campaign to test creatives, and then one campaign to test different landing pages. Then, the winners from each of these campaigns are promoted to a search campaign with the best creatives, the best audiences, and the best landing pages. We also like to designate campaigns just for testing and one campaign just for research. Now, we typically create one campaign to test audiences, one campaign to test creatives, and then one campaign to test different landing pages. Then, the winners from each of these campaigns are promoted to a search campaign with the best creatives, the best audiences, and the best landing pages. We also like to designate campaigns just for testing and one campaign just for research. Now, we typically create one campaign to test audiences, one campaign to test creatives, and then one campaign to test different landing pages. Then, the winners from each of these campaigns are promoted to a search campaign with the best creatives, the best audiences, and the best landing pages.

Now, ideally, you should set about 70% to 80% of your budget on search campaigns and 20 to 30 on testing. Another thing is to use ad set level budgeting to test campaigns this way and make sure each ad set gets enough spend to make a statistically significant decision. Now, for search campaigns, we like to use campaign-level budget optimization because they're generally more consistent and require less maintenance. I hope this wasn't too intense and I managed to explain it simply enough. So let's get back to the topic. Now it's time to create your ad sets. So first thing first is to define your targeting. To do this, think about the majority of your customers and answer how old they are. What gender? What do they like? What are they interested in? Try to visualize this ideal customer and use the targeting options Facebook gives you to choose them, especially their demographic. Now, when it comes to interest targeting, we usually choose one at a time so that we can test which ones work and which ones don't with as few variables as possible. Now, here's one more little bonus tip, and that is that one of our historically best-performing audiences across all verticals is broad targeting. This means there is no segmentation at all. This allows Facebook to use its algorithm at full speed without limits, giving them the power to decide which user should see your ad. In your campaigns, targeting, There is no other activity, tactic or hack you can use in your bidding or any other element of your ad campaign that will yield as high a return as your creatives. 

A great creative can work with poor targeting, poor campaign structure, based campaign optimization and bidding strategies. But having perfect targeting, perfect campaign structure, flawless campaign optimization, and highly optimized bid strategies can't save a campaign with bad creatives. Is it ok? Now you can try and test all these different formats, but at the end of the day what really matters is that the visual you choose to use in your ad is paired with a great piece of copy of the video itself. And there are three keys to creating high-performing ads. First, They need to convince you to stop the scroll. The ad needs to draw attention to the point that it is more interesting for the user to stop scrolling than to continue scrolling. Nowadays we are bombarded with so many advertisements that by default we have banner blindness within us. So as soon as we see something that remotely resembles an ad, we tend to ignore it. Ideally, your ad should look like a friend's post in the user's news feed or stories. To make a point, however, you should avoid results-oriented claims, health-related claims at all costs. You should not use personal attributes in your ads, using words such as fantastic, wonderful, secret, incredible, avoiding clicks or sensationalism at all costs. 

Facebook really doesn't like this stuff. Next is understanding what dictates success. Because no matter what business you are in, your most important metric that determines success will most likely be the return on advertising spend, which we call Roas. Next is conversion rate. Now the conversion rate is how many people purchased your product service out of all those who clicked on your ad. Now, if your conversion rate is too low, the math will never work in your favor. That's why it's also important to invest in conversion rate optimization because it has a direct correlation to how well your ads performA good conversion rate really depends on your industry and your product's pricing. But as a general rule, we like to be above 2% for ecommerce brands and above 1% for education companies. Then we have our average order value or Aov. This is how much revenue you get on average from one purchase.

Facebook Advertising Training For Beginners Step By Step WhatsApp - Hints Blogging

How Should the Facebook Advertising Budget Be?

So let's talk about how to actually define your budget. Now your budget is one of the most important elements of your ads, and you can set it at both the ad set level and the campaign level. Now, at IG Media, we like to use ad set level budgeting to test new things and then campaign level budgeting to research campaigns.For example, once we've already tested something and know an ad set is working, we'll turn it into something like a full production campaign and use campaign budget optimization from there. How much should your budget be? Great question. Now, this will vary greatly from case to case, but we like to keep it as a general rule to never go below 0.5X the product price. Now this means that by following this rule we will allow Facebook to spend at least half the price of our product per ad set, which will equal two X rows, just like if we were to make a purchase with this budget. Now, if you go below that, you're not giving Facebook enough budget to test. For example, if you sell a $2,000 product and test it for three days at just $20 per day, step 2. 

You only gave Facebook $60 to get a $000 purchase. This translates to a 33.3X return on ad spend if you make a purchase, which is a bit too unrealistic. So you should always keep the price of your product in mind when testing and be realistic with it, okay? Don't expect to invest a few dollars and get a sale from it. You also need to invest enough to provide Facebook with enough data to optimize. Ideally, you should test everything for at least a multiple of your product's price if you have the budget for it. Now, when it comes to job search campaigns, there are no rules, okay? It should be set as high as possible as long as it brings in sales profitably, okay? Now,

Facebook Ad Optimization

Now, when optimizing your campaigns, we always keep your end result in mind. So, know your target KPIs and compare them with the current results of your campaigns and adjust accordingly. Let's talk about how to actually optimize your campaigns, because the first thing to consider here is the length of your customer journey—the time from the moment a user clicks on your ad to the moment they purchase. Images play an important role in Facebook ad optimization. If your advertising images are not interesting, you can take a look at Facebook creative advertising images and get inspired.Now, for some businesses it may take seven days, for others it may be almost instantaneous, and for some it may take more than 30 days. Therefore, take this period into account when evaluating the results. 

For example, if your customer takes an average of three days to convert, it doesn't make sense to evaluate yesterday's results in your campaigns because you need to give them a full three days to have complete data. Now, the second point here is knowing when to kill ad sets. As we talked about before, you have to give Facebook enough budget to test. Then everything is very simple. After spending the full testing budget, if it hits your target KPIs, you'll keep running. The final point here is to identify problems and work to solve them. As I mentioned before, Consent consists of a function of cpc, conversion rate, and Aov.