Author Hakan Günday, who also published an e-book at the same time as his novel "Az", states that he thinks the printed book has completed its evolution, while Mario Levi states that he will not read e-books for a long time, even though he lists the positive features of e-books.

Günday underlined that the e-book is only one of the ways to convey the text to the reader. Writer Günday, who stated that he did not think that the printed book could have any negative effect on the e-book, just as cinema did not kill the theater and television did not kill the cinema, said, "However, unlike papyrus or tablets, the printed book is a device that has completed its evolution, so the emotional and behavioral elements it presents to the reader, determined irreversibly,'' he said. Emphasizing that the possibility of directing the pricing in the e-book in favor of the reader is quite high, Günday stated that the e-book will find its place in the consumption habit, in line with the needs, and therefore there is no need to be particularly encouraged.

Pointing out that if there is something to be encouraged, it is reading, Günday said, "Who cares where it is read, whether it is from the sky with holograms or from a spray-painted wall?"


Levi said: “As such, my stance towards e-books is of course made up of a series of clichés that seem somewhat hollowed out because they are repeated and expressed so often. I want to touch a book, I want to feel it, I want to see it on the walls of my house... OK, I don't object to that. To be a member of this community... Let's add to this the traces of the experiences in the old books and what these traces announce. Over the years, the book has written its story as an object in our lives...''

Saying that despite his negative statements against e-books, there are thousands of books in an e-reader, a person can carry their own library all over the world and find the book they are looking for effortlessly, Levi also drew attention to the environmentalist side of e-books due to their paper-free feature.

Emphasizing that the most important thing is to read, the author said to himself from time to time, "The writing has a history of seven thousand years, the book we know has a history of five hundred years. If the article continues and will continue; He also stated that if someone needs to tell someone a story, can we hear the same reaction as those who are accustomed to manuscript books to printed books in the printing house?''

Expressing the opinion that these books will pave the way for new authors more easily due to their easier publication, Mario Levi said, “Although all these questions are in the back of my head, I promise that I will not read an e-book for a very, very long time. Even though I don't need to read. Including my own books,'' he said.

'A Blessing for the Reader'

Yavuz Ekinci, who started his speech by describing the invention of writing, said:

The writing system has not changed since then. Two things are needed in order for the article to be written. One is the ground, and the second is the tool for writing on the ground. By ground we mean stone, leather, tablet, bone, paper, papyrus, parchment… A tool is also needed to use writing on the ground; such as steel pen, ink pen. There are two important discoveries in the history of writing. The first is the invention of paper, and the second is the invention of the printing press."

Saying that the most important and third invention in the history of writing is the e-book, Ekinci said, "Because, together with the e-book, the paper used as a backdrop and printing and other tools for writing with the help of ink on the floor are also available. there is no need,'' he said.

Pointing out that thanks to the e-book, a work can be reproduced indefinitely at zero cost, Ekinci expressed the opinion that there will always be a reaction to every new invention due to old habits, but then the new growing generations immediately accept and use the innovation because they do not know the old habits. Ekinci said, "I think e-books should be developed, encouraged and used." Stating that this way, everyone can access the book they want whenever they want, Yavuz Ekinci underlined that this is a great blessing for a reader.

Ä°nci Aral, one of the contemporary women writers who are well known by book lovers, said that the adaptation of the book to the virtual environment is very positive for the young people who are very interested in technology and innovations. Stating that the interest in e-books in Turkey is not low despite being a new sector, Aral said, "I think this interest will continue to increase."

As a writer and reader, Aral explained his view of e-books as follows: “As an author, I hope that the e-book form creates a serious option for today's readers and will stimulate interest in our literature. It is very practical in terms of being able to be carried in a bag, in a pocket, anywhere, anytime and easily accessible. I love innovations, but as a reader, I don't think I will give up on the classic book for now. In fact, there is no need for a choice.

Aral, who argued that e-books can increase reading rates, said that they are living in an age where technology is prominent in every field and that he predicts that interest in e-books will contribute to cultural life by directing young people to read more.

The author, who also introduced the e-book at the same time as his last book, gave the good news that his previous books will also be published as e-books in the coming days.